Freestyle. Show me your offspring, tell me about their temperaments!

Hi all! It’s been awhile since I posted but I have great news! You all helped me pick out Gatsby for my Clydesdale X TB mare and the colt turned out just beautiful!!! You all might remember that Natalia sustained a collateral ligament injury prior to breeding. She has fully recovered and is totally sound. She is an excellent mother and I now use her to pony thoroughbreds on the racetrack. LOVE HER!!! Would like to breed her again for a personal, keep forever horse. I’m open to using Gatsby again since everything about using him was fabulous, but Freestyle is a stallion that just takes my breath away. Open to stallion suggestions. Homozygous Black is a plus. My mare is sabino so plain black is fine. Need lengthening of neck, refinement of head, large eye and an excellent amateur friendly temperament.

Thanks again to everyone on here that was kind, supportive and willing to share their breeding experience. I tried AI in the past with zero success and many failed attempts. As it turns out I didn’t ask the first stallion owner any of the right questions… This time I got a foal on the first try!

Mom. Natalia.


Possible issues with Gatsby and Freestyle are shipping across the border. If anyone has used Freestyle please tell me how many tries it took to get your mare pregnant and if you used fresh or frozen. Thanks! Again open to stallion suggestions.

I have bred to Freestyle twice, and both times it took only one insemination. Shipping across the border is no issue, and Jennifer is wonderful to deal with. I loved both offspring, and both were premium colts.

Thank you so much for sharing Clint!! Do you think he had any refining qualities on your mares? He looks to be of medium bone. Hard to tell not seeing him in person.

The mare I use has some TB and is of medium bone, and about 16.1. I have always thought that because of his damline, which has some heavier types, that he should be used on a modern type mare. However, others say that most of his offspring are a lighter type out of a variety of mares. Both of my foals are out of the same mare, and both of them are modern type. The second foal is quite tall, and will probably mature 16.3ish. Jennifer at Dreamscape is wonderful to talk to and can certainly help you with a decision.

Semen is top notch so you will have no problems there. I have had three Freestyle foals (and have another coming in 2014) and all are SUPER quiet, have ammy friendly temperaments and have very elastic movement. Here are some pictures of the most current two, the other I sold as a weanling and though I have adult pics (he is gorgeous!) not sure I have permission to post them:

The first one is a 3yr old 16.2HH mare…

Second one a colt a few months old. He has been sold but will be coming 2yrs old in 2014.

He foals of mine have all been medium framed/sized.

I believe a member here, J-Lu (sp?) has a BEAUTIFUL Freestyle gelding. Hopefully she will chime in.

I rode a freestyle baby- super quiet. Had a lot of suspension on her gaits. Easy to handle. Had a lovely uphill build. Is currently doing the hunter/jumpers. You could pull out of the field after two months off and she was still a more kick ride.

All the ones I have seen have nice neck placement and strong looking backs.

I have an eleven year old Freestyle gelding out of a mare by Salutely ( a pretty substantial thoroughbred stallion) and G -line Hanoverian on the maternal side. I have to say he added bone and height to the mare who already had decent bone. That said, I wouldn’t say he is an old fashioned type per se. The head is very pretty, typical Florestan look, a beautifully shaped neck with very nice placement - an improvement over the dam. More uphill and tons more elasticity and suspension over mom and improved all gaits in general. He definitely wants to be in your pocket and is very sweet, but a bit of a knucklehead. Unfortunately, I did not know the dam had EPSM when I bred her, so I think any limitations he has is due to that. Oh, and fantastic feet! He is 16.3 yet can go barefoot. I’m not one that is anti- shoes, but it’s great to have a horse that doesn’t need them! I do think Freestyle is perhaps the nicest ammie-friendly producer in NA, and he really stamps his offspring in a positive way.

I third Clint and Cindy. I have fillies by the same mare, who is 15.3, light boned, long backed and super hot. I wanted bigger and good temperament.

They are super, super nice. You can see the resemblence in them all. My 5 year old looks a lot like JLu’s, and even though one is black and one is bay, they look a lot like yours in the face, Cindy. They are just sweet, really, really friendly and interactive, and easy, easy to train. They have go, and if they do something wrong and you get after them, they just go, “oh, OK. If that’s what you want.” They are REALLY touchy horses–they have to be touching you when near. Not good if you like personal space. They just like people. Both girls have always come running from the pasture when I call. I’d say he throws some bone, a lot of fluidity (that’s what hooked me on his video) a shorter back, height, kindness, and steadiness. Coming 6 year old is heavier, about 16.2. Coming 4 year old is lighter, but will be taller.

Like Clint and Cindy said, super semen. She took first try on both. Twinned on the first one, so only did half the second. Jennifer is super to deal with.

Here’s the 5 year old that looks like JLu’s:
Here’s the younger one when she was two:

Here they are at 1 and 3:

Here they are with mom at 2 and baby:

I went to the farm and saw him when I was out in BC. There was an ISR Oldenburg inspection going on there that day. Lots of horses moving around with some outsiders. Freestyle was hanging out in one of the turnouts and was totally content with his buddy. I have heard many wonderful comments about him. Seems to throw that temperament regularly, size, good movers. At any rate, I have seen a few of his offspring including at the BC Dressage Championships and they were attractive, very steady and moved well. Attractive all of them. I wouldn’t say they were “uber-modern” but they were all of very good type and definitely appeared to be ammy friendly in every way. I have always liked him.

Would you guys mind making a stallion suggestion for my mare out of the dreamscape lineup? Like I said breeding mostly for versatility and soundness with a dressage emphasis… Although I do love riding cross country and foxhunting as well… and ponying at the racetrack! You guys will be able to see my Natalia and I ponying live :slight_smile: She is so amazing! It will be tough to make another horse as fantastic as her. That being said she is a little quirky. She is sensitive under saddle and forward.

When Freestyle moves in his videos I see a horse that is truly spectacular in a totilas kind of way. I wouldn’t mind having a heavy boned horse as long as the neck was long enough. I would say my mare’s biggest fault is a short neck and large head. My mare also has excellent hooves. I pony her on the track, foxhunted and evented all barefoot without any issues. I am not anti-shoes by any means. Almost all my TBs need them for comfort but it sure is nice to have a horse with excellent hooves that don’t need the extra protection.

I wish I could go see the stallion’s in person. It’s a long ways from Nebraska but I won’t totally rule it out. :smiley:

Bon Balou looks to be an excellent more modern type horse. His conformation looks A++++++ to me.

Jennifer is your best bet for a Dreamscape stallion recommendation. It’s in her best interest to formulate the best match, and she has the most information about the historic matches for the stallions and what they produced.

Hmmm. I should say that by meaning good tempered to do not mean a kick ride. I gallop and pony thoroughbreds on the racetrack. I sold a gorgeous mare I had because she was not forward enough for me. She was naturally sort of a plodder and it was going to take lots and lots of training to get her going. I found her a rider that gets along great with her but she was like riding a slug to me. Here we are!

I felt so silly selling such a nice mare, but it was the best thing for her. I just didn’t get that ‘feeling’ when I rode her.

I like a horse who’s attitude says ‘happy to be working here, let’s go and do something!’

Natalia literally puts the bridle on herself when I pull it out. She gets so excited. She had years off for the collateral ligament injury and when I pulled out her old bridle she went crazy! Nickering and dancing in the cross ties. We had a fantastic first ride back after years off. She was so happy to be with me again. <3

BTW: I did contact her :winkgrin:

I believe a member here, J-Lu (sp?) has a BEAUTIFUL Freestyle gelding. Hopefully she will chime in.[/QUOTE]
Well, hey, thanks! My gelding was born at Dreamscape and he’s a handsome guy. However, I will say that he is not an amateur-type horse but he seems to be an outlier in that regard. My good friend owns his half-brother (also by Freestyle and bred by Dreamscape) who recently won the 70 day test. He is a very level-headed guy for a stallion, and very easy to handle and work with. Neither are “kick” rides, for sure!

Our Westporte/Belisar/Actueel mare is currently in foal to Freestyle for a May 2014 baby which we are super excited about. He is famous for his super temperament. Freestyle’s semen is practically rocket fuel. Our mare was in foal 1st cycle. You just merely have to drive the container past the farm your mare is at and poof she gets pregnant (obviously an exaggeration, but pretty much the truth - it’s bionic stuff). Basically, short of disastrous timing, if a mare can’t get in foal with Freestyle, she’s not going to be getting in foal.

Adding Freestyle to my list of potential stallions for my mare :slight_smile:

Jennifer is your best bet for a Dreamscape stallion recommendation. It’s in her best interest to formulate the best match, and she has the most information about the historic matches for the stallions and what they produced.[/QUOTE]

KC, I love Natalia, and am so happy to see that she has recovered so well.
I love the pics of her ponying on the track.
I agree that Jennifer is the best one to speak to about which of her stallions would suit your mare and I see that you are in touch with her.
I think Freestyle sounds like a very good choice, I really like him.
Her collection fees are also very reasonable, and shipping is about the same as it would be within the US.
Best of luck!

I’ve used Dreamscape stallions with absolutely NO problems shipping them across the border. Jennifer is wonderful to work with and is the kind of stallion owner I value most: one who can tell you the pros and cons of her boys and who will help you make the best match for your mare.

Right now, I have my Donnerhall mare in foal to Sir Gregory (for my second Sir G foal) and my Wolkentanz I/ Lauries Crusador mare in foal to Freestyle.