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Frey Carriages

As many of you know, Todd Frey passed away a few months ago. I had sent a deposit of about $5500 for a new carriage back in February 2022.

I sent a note of condolence to his widow as well as a text message and asked if they needed to be let out of the contract. I have heard nothing back.

I am unwillingly to be a jerk to a new widow but I would like to get my deposit back. Any ideas?

Have not heard anything abouts the doings at Frey Carriages. You might try calling the business number to see if a real person answers, to ask your questions. They might have some plans in place to continue producing or returning pre-payments. Good luck.


What @goodhors said.
Unless the business was a 1-man operation, someone should be handling the business - either ongoing or winding up loose ends.
Your deposit may be held up in probate. That info may be accessible through the County.

Unless you know for sure the widow was actively involved in the business (& even if she was) pls don’t contact her directly.
When my DH died, his business (locksmith - sole owner) was left to his adult kids who lacked the knowledge to keep it going.
Not even a month later, a customer who lived on the same block as us came knocking on my door when her calls for service (alarm system) went unanswered.
All I could tell her was: he’s dead.

I only have Todd’'s phone number which was the same number published for the business. If there is another contact number, I am unaware of it.

Before Todd passed away, his wife texted me to make suggestions about colors. I don’t think she is involved in any manufacturing.

If my deposit is involved in probate, what does that mean?

Sorry for the late reply & I’m no lawyer, but I’m guessing if the deposit gets probated (as part of the estate) you may have to wait until the estate is settled.
If there’s an Executor, they may be able to release funds prior to that.

COTH Attorneys: Am I right?

Someone suggested that I charge back the $5500 deposit on my credit card. American Express did this even though the deposit was made 7 or 8 months earlier.

And, success. I got my money back and I did not get tied up in probate or have to be a jerk to a widow.
Let’s call this a win,.


Good to know. I’ve seen others with a similar story so may be worth it as a last ditch effort for them too.