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Frost Last Night

Got our first frost last night. Will have to speed up on the winterizing tasks here! We have gotten quite a bit done between the rainy days that we appreciated. Wet ground actually helped get the broken butt ends of fence posts out of the dirt easier! It would have been miserable trying to lift them out of dry clay! Thought we had them all fixed but husband found two more to replace, one a gate post. Darn it! Posts should last forever, not age out!

He has been working the young gelding as often as wet dirt allows. Not walking in standing water to long line him and now his pair mate. Wicker is doing pretty well most days, got over “My hair is on fire!! Run, run” and has settled down to listening, developing better work responses. I get Lincoln dressed with pair harness, go out at the end of Wicker’s single time and we put on Pair reins to practice walking, trotting, halt and STAND QUIET. Both are improving on response to voice commands in unison. So nice to have reliable Lincoln as a training aid! They stand nicely to get reins on and off, husband situated out behind them before asking for forward. Also good without me heading them every second. Those long, synthetic (no-slip grip) Leader reins I got at Martin’s some years back, have come in really handy for this!

Husband is also taking Alyss and Hawk out, building some fitness again. Alyss’s cut leg has closed nicely, just needs more hair to cover the line. They seem happy to be doing things again, bored in pasture sameness. I have added some LED bike lights for added visibility as days get shorter. They are blue, wrapped on the groom bar behind the front seat. Lights are small but very bright, made to attach to a bicycle frame as an outline. Dark seems to get here earlier and faster every day. Also a blinky red LED tail light to catch a car driver’s eye as they come up behind him.

We have a Club Halloween Drive scheduled for Saturday. Everyone is on pins and needles, since chance of rain is high. Temps may also be high, no need for 3 layers to keep warm! Maybe… This is Michigan, the weather does not listen to the forecasters!! Ha ha Not sure I can come up with any type costumes though. My creativity is blank.

Got the daily carriage covers washed. So much dust and cobwebs! No more coughing as the cover goes on or off. Hung an “Open Carefully” tag on the carriage shed door, since it is stuffed so full. Made my daughter laugh when she saw it, then she opened the door! Said “thanks for the warning!!” Ha ha I have a load of odds and ends to take to the auction, get whatever I can for them. That will start giving me some more inside space. Sold one disc, leaves more outside space for other stuff lIke snow, if we get any this winter.

Tack sales are starting but I have other stuff those days. May do sales after New Years. I have the items together for easy loading. Cleaned the box fans with the power washer, they look new! I bought sealed motor fans for the barns, don’t need the box fans anymore. Never used the 40 inch rolling fan this year, so it is going too. My friend said she would like a couple things, just need to get them over to her. Saves handling them at tack sales.

Every one is fuzzing up nicely. We have used the rain sheet on the old man when it says rain all day. They are still all blowing off the summer hair, but seem pretty waterproof. Just been some cold, rainy days, so he gets stuck with his rain sheet on. Makes ME feel better! Ha ha Haircuts, face trimming, legs clipped and tail shortening are still to be done. It may be that I need a rainy day, can’t do other outside stuff, to get it done.

Caught a ride on the sale riding horse at the trainer’s. She is really coming along nicely in all areas. Felt good sitting on her! She is the too small to match in a Pair, horse.

Hope you all have been enjoying the nice days!


Took advantage of a clear day with dry roads to get out and about before we’re driven inside for the winter. There’s still decent daylight and no ice on the roads, went down the road with and over to the neighbor’s path-through-the-fields-and-trees.

The boys are getting hairy, but Darby is a confirmed rug shredder, so have to plan around time for sweat to dry.