Full Moon Farm Pipe Opener - Saturday March 30th

Full Moon Farm Pipe Opener - Saturday March 30th (Rain Date April 6th)

WHAT IS IT? It is an unjudged, but safety monitored ‘u-pick it’ cross-country course. You may go individually or in a small group, if you think your horse may need a lead. No more than 3 horses will be assigned to a starting time. The course will be marked and it must be ridden in the order it is marked. It is strongly recommended you walk it the day before or the day of to plan your strategy! The jumps will be flagged, just like in a horse trials and you will be eliminated for jumping fences the wrong way, either in warm-up or on course. This is an excellent schooling opportunity to get your horse out in a relaxed, yet structured activity!

WHAT LEVELS ARE AVAILABLE? We will have courses at Elementary (18"), Baby Beginner Novice (2’0"), Beginner Novice (2’6") and Novice (2’11"). Elementary is in a separate field from the other courses. You may mix and match jumps that follow the same track. For example, if the novice and BN fences are next to each other and you are doing the BN course but want to try the novice jump you may.

Rules: You may only jump each fence once, in the direction in which it was flagged. You may have up to 5 refusals at a fence, after that you need to proceed to the next fence or be eliminated. You may enter more than one time, on the same horse at a different or the same level. Your first ride must be pre-entered so we can assign a starting time. Time permitting we may be able to let you ride again (no promises), but pre-entering for a second ride guarantees it! This competition will be run under USEA rules. Protective vests, medical armbands, and an approved helmet secured by a harness is mandatory for all riders at all times while mounted! Times will be posted on the website at www.fullmoonfarm.com by dawn on the Thursday before the Pipe Opener or you may call the stable at 410.795.8371 between 12-3 or e-mail the Secretary (fmf@vermontel.net).

Entries: Elementary is $25.00 per course and Baby Beginner thru Novice is $35.00 per course. Please make checks out to Full Moon Farm. No refunds after the closing date. $25 returned check fee. Please only 1 horse/rider combo per form. Entry form is available on our website: http://fullmoonfarm.com/PipeOpeners/pipeopenerentry.html

Mail entry form, copy of current coggins and payment to:
Full Moon Farm - Entries, 4326 Louisville Rd, Finksburg, MD 21048