Full/nearing full private message box notification

We used to have a warning when our private message box was nearing full and another when it was totally full. It displayed up at the top there where “notifications” is now, and it went away with the board update.

I found that really useful and miss it quite a bit. Are we going to get that back?

The new software version no longer includes that as a default option, but I just sent a message to our developers to see if they can add a modification to get it back.

Mod 1

I think I’ve just added a version of this notification back in. If anyone can report back whether or not it appears to be working for them, that would be great.

Mod 1

I saw it just now and it says 90% full at the top of my page above the “post reply” button

Yep, saw the note that my PM box was full. Thanks for bringing the notification back!

Awesome. Thanks Mod 1.

Great–thanks for the reports. :slight_smile: