full spinal fusion

Im seeing a scoliosis surgeon in about 2 weeks. Im afraid that I may require extensive surgery to fix double curve scoliosis ans several rotated vertabre. Im just wondering that after nearly 6 months or more recovery time if I can get back in the saddle safely? is there anyone ot there that has had this done?

I’ve only had had a 2 level spinal fusion, by 2 different doctors. Both told me not to think about getting in the saddle until a full year has passed. Although you’ll have hardware in place to stabilize your spine, it does take a full year for the vertebrae to fuse. That’s a question that your doc really has to answer though, none of us here know your exact diagnosis & your doc is the one who has examined your films. If you’re thinking about getting a back brace for support (like a Professional’s Choice or the like), ask your doc about that too. Often times your muscles will come to depend on the brace, which serves to weaken the muscles.

Best of luck to you!

For other reasons I have not been back in the saddle after a T10-S1 fusion but my surgeon also said a year. No way would I have considered pushing it with a possible prospect of additional surgeries if I’d come off.

Also remember your spine will be weaker above and below the fusion.

Talk to your surgeon and follow his/her advice.

thank you for the replies, I will take my docs advice. Ive done some trail riding this summer with minimal pain. I went to see the surgeon because of a herniated disc and got a real surprise when he said that was the least of my problems and started talking about the rotated vertebre, I just started to ride again after many years and Im not ready to give it up. I just hope they can fix me so my life can be somewhat normal:)

I am fused from T1 thru L4 with Harrington rods to correct severe scoliosis and kyphosis. It was done 20 years ago. I didn’t have a horse at the time so I wasn’t riding, but 10 years later, I got a horse and started riding again. Im still riding, although I am much less flexible and pretty much rigid. I still do all my own barn chores, and am able to do pretty much everything else I want to do. My surgeon is mortified that I am riding, but…oh well! I would be happy to shar experiences with you or answer any specific questions you might have about the surgery, post op, etc. Best wishes to you you for a successful surgery and quick healing! Happy Trails!!

I have been fused T4(?) through L4 for almost 12 years now. I was cleared to resume riding on the flat at 3 months post-op and I started jumping again at 6 months post-op. My surgeon dealt with a lot of elite athletes, so his philosophy on return to play may have been more generous than average. I had all restrictions (except full-contact sports and roller coasters) lifted at 6 months post-op. I’m happy to answer any more questions you might have.

I’m 11 years out from a fusion from T2 to L1 for scoliosis at the age of 20. I had a 54 degree single curve so was very out of balance. It was the correct thing to do.
The recovery sucks, but then you get back to normal. I was told no riding for a year but was bad and started riding (carefully on quiet, gentle gaited horses) before the 3 month mark. two other girls I knew from riding, one of them a student, were cleared to ride at the 6 month mark.

I did have issues with it a few years down the road- not that there was anything wrong, but I got out of shape when I changed from working in a barn (yes, i did this after my fusion for a couple of years, and even took a colt training job for a small breeder for a summer too) to working a desk job. I just got the feeling that I had no real control over what my spine and core were doing as the muscles didn’t really have to work anymore to keep me upright. I have been doing yoga for a year now (including some more advanced classes) and that made the biggest difference in the world- has given me the abilty to subtly control what my back is doing even with the fusion. And a few years ago the doc was concerned that I may have had some degeneration going on in the remaining discs. I had a checkup a few months ago, and aside from having rods in there, my doctor said I had a normal, extremely healthy back. so… if you get to the point where you are feeling out of control with it, I can’t recommend a good yoga practice enough, even if you have to modify some poses (I have to modify surprisingly few…)

In the time since my surgery, I’ve shown a fair amount up to a national level, and this year now that I have better control over what my upper body is doing, I’m thinking of taking a crack at adult equitation- which is something I have always wanted to do and honestly two years ago, I thought I was done in that regard.

But basically… I ride what I want… I’ve taken some good spills. My fusion is completely solid, and my surgeon has pronounced me no more of a risk for getting hurt from falling off than anybody else. :slight_smile:

Im seeing a scoliosis surgeon in about 2 weeks. Im afraid that I may require extensive surgery to fix double curve scoliosis ans several rotated vertabre. Im just wondering that after nearly 6 months or more recovery time if I can get back in the saddle safely? is there anyone ot there that has had this done?[/QUOTE]