FUN Topic.....That pic you show off first

I have several of my late ottb Larry. He was a x-country machine and I never worried going out. The first one is from our very first prelim event, I was so proud of him. He was such a good boy, absolutely adored him. The second one was from another prelim event, both photos taken by a friend.

Sorry another one from a 2-phase :slightly_smiling_face:

This last one marks a new chapter, the first ride at the barn with my new ottb Eddie.


This is my phone wallpaper, and the photo I showed people. That’s my deceased Wobbler on the left, and my now senior on the right. It was taken about ten years ago.

This is my now senior, taken fifteen? years ago when we got to play over the Radical Jumper course after a show. The brush in the middle of the jump is 3’6", and we were jumping it at about a 45° angle. I love this photo as it shows his enthusiasm for jumping things.



Love all these pics! So I’ll play :slight_smile:

Back when I was fearless:


When I thought I’d fulfilled all my dreams:


Today, still dreaming and learning:


What a great thread! I’ve loved seeing everyone’s beautiful photos and love for their horses!

My favorite photos of my horses are those with my daughter. I just love that she and get to share this sport and our love of horses together. This one is probably my favorite of us and our horse Heri:

I also like this one of just the two of them enjoying a quiet afternoon at the barn:

And one more of them in their very first 3’ eq class:

And not to be left out is our little QH jumper mare Tilly:

And my favorite is of my daughter winning her first jumper classic at age 10. The joy she experienced that day was priceless:


This guy’s first show and trip off property at WEC Ohio in the baby green hunters after working with him for over a year bringing him along. My trainer/boss at the time owned him but he was on the back burner so I was given the ride. He was champion and even did the 2’6-2’9 derby with some green moments. It was one of the most rewarding moments for me, being given the opportunity and achieving what we did for how green he truly still was at the time.


Those are FABULOUS! I really like the jump way over the hedge. What scope!


One of my favorite pictures is over that same coop and wondering if it’s the same year- 2015 here. This was supposed to be a short term lease, still have the horse.

Here he is last year at 24 years old when I decided I wanted to start eventing, so I dragged him out of the jumper ring. We’re both having a blast.


I love this.

The first photo is one of my all time favorites. When I moved to the States for four years, I wasn’t able to ride anymore, and my husband had started riding my horse. I gradually got healthy again, was able to ride, we lost my horse, my husband bought me a little mare by the same stud as his new one. We figured hacking and low level dressage would be our future but we just both kept getting healthy and fitter. And some point along the way, I conquered my fears and jumped more then 2’6 :wink:

The second photo is us finishing up in the big ring at Tryon, after putting together our best weekend ever for a 4th place finish. I was so proud of us, and it had been a weekend that my husband and I went at it alone bc I really wanted to show at Tryon.

3rd - bareback in a halter and the light was just right. My partnership this this mare (same one throughout) is the thing of dreams.

4th is the one I show of my husband. He came to riding late in life to help me out after my injury, and fell in love with it. He turned into a fabulous horseman, and this photo is pure grit.


He was a little guy but he could really ping off the ground. On the landing of that I very nearly went over his shoulder…soooooo close! :joy: Another example of his scope, hard to tell from this pic (taken by Hoof Pix) it was a maxed out prelim vertical.


I love absolutely everything about this pic! The horse, his expression, your position , your clothes…#goals


The first photo is currently the only horse photo I have framed and displayed in my house. The photographer (Tom Von Kapherr, who sadly passed away recently) perfectly captured my old mare’s expression while we were at a clinic. In action photos she generally came across quite dragon-like, as she enjoyed her job a little bit too much. In this photo, however, Tom captured her as I knew her best, absolutely loving being out and about and looking around with her bright, intelligent eye.

The next one isn’t the highest or most back-cracking jump I have a photo of, but it was my proudest horse show with her (and her last). My mare was known as being quite over enthusiastic in the show ring (she would hit a gallop as she passed through the in-gate, and was generally quite a handful going around the ring). That last season, we somehow qualified for the jumper medal final at our inter-regional finals, and I had no idea how we would manage to get through the gymnastic phase. The month prior, I worked every day on trot poles, as generally once she had cantered, she had a hard time wrapping her brain around trotting them again. I figured that at the horse show it would be practically impossible to convince her to trot them if they were set mid-course.

It turned out that she trotted them like an absolute champion after jump 3, and I was so proud that I almost forgot to pick up the canter and proceed to the combination around the corner. This photo is the result of so many years of learning how to harness her enthusiasm for good, and while we were far from being the perfect equitation horse or rider, I was so proud that we mostly made it look like we belonged. We also won our jumper class at this show, but it was actually our 6th place equitation round that I’m most proud of.


Love seeing everyone’s photos!


What a beautiful head shot of your mare. Absolutely gorgeous.


One of my all time time favorites. This was the younger children’s hunters.

And then this is many years later in the younger AOs at Devon. Not the greatest picture of my horse but I was just so happy to be there!


That sounds right on the year! I remember the coop rode really well considering how big and squat it was! Love that hunter pace. I try to go every year, the photo of me on the big grey is actually from that pace in 2021!

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From my last show season with my retired guy. He was 22 in this photo and jumped around the 10s-15s in some of the biggest shows on the West Coast that year, including…

The Team Jumper Finals, where our team was champion. :slight_smile: We had one rail down on day 1 (mine) but he jumped AMAZING in the GP ring day 2 to help clinch the win. I jumped one more class with him for the individual final where I missed a turn :stuck_out_tongue: but I like to pretend the team final was our last class.

And for fun…here he is now, coming 25 and LOVING retirement. He’s always been a mudpig but it’s gone into overdrive now that he’s naked and outside all day.


These are my 2. One of Tiz (from last year) and One of my Prince (10+ years ago).


Okay, though these are not fancy riding photos, this is my :heart: horse. He’s now 30 years old, cannot walk in a straight line due to neuro issues, but he’s happy as can be. He marches in and out of paddock better than my three younger horses. I love this boy. He’s a very kind, sweet horse who came to me at a time when I really needed that. He helped me love riding again. For that, I’ll be forever grateful.

These first two were taken by Carissa Ramsdell.

My niece getting some love…

And a little snoozing in the sunshine taken very recently.


Not a thing wrong with that! Going out on top!

As for the mud pic, O.M.Goodness. Wow, that is dedication and SKILLS!


Yes! I especially love the pictures of the oldie but goodie ones – I’m a sucker for their sweet faces. But all of these photos are precious memories.