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Fungus? Help!

So I have a mare who has a strange fungus or infection in the crest of her ear AND inside her ears. It’s quite disgusting. Unfortunately she is all ready a bit head shy, so this has caused issue for putting on her halter and bridle. Ugh!! She doesn’t seem to be in any pain, thankfully, but I’m sure it’s annoying her, so it’s stressing me. The fungus appears to be yellowish? It’s crusted around the crest & she was nice enough to let me look inside this morning & it’s yellow/white pus-ish on the inside. I also noticed that she has a spread down her next, only on the side where her mane falls. She hasn’t been rubbing, because all of the hair is still intacted, aside from where I picked on her neck. The pus doesn’t smell bad, and isn’t really “oozing”, but I have been using Banix spray and I don’t see any drastic healing. Please help me! I’ve never seen this before and this mare has a pretty sturdy immune system. :frowning:

Stop picking it - they are most likely Aural plaques. Picking it will do nothing but make it worse.

Most of the time, bothers the owner more than the horse.

I’ve not had much luck with treatment - always seen it resurface in some function or another. You can buy this cream, I forget what it is ($$$) but requires a vet prescription - it essentially causes such a massive inflammation/auto immune reaction that the skin sloughs off and regrows.

I have one with aural plaques - he can be a little funny if you fuss with that ear (I suspect in part because of a nitpicky prior owner who didn’t know better) but it has not bothered him in the 2 years I’ve had him. It hasn’t spread or gotten worse and I actually think it may be making a very eventual exit because it is not as big as I remember it being.

Hilton Herbs Mud Defender is working well on all kinds of skin issues, not just scratches or rain rot. I saw it heal a habronema in 3 weeks and in another case, vets were at a loss at a skin condition, nothing worked, until owner tried MD.

Equiderma lotion is known for taking care of this. It is very easy to apply, smells good, and you just leave it on. I bet you will see a difference in a day.

Equiderma lotion is known for taking care of this. It is very easy to apply, smells good, and you just leave it on. I bet you will see a difference in a day.[/QUOTE]

Curious, have you used this for aural plaques specifically? APs are papillomas, caused by papillomavirus. AP is NOT a fungus.

Try one of the many fungal shampoos out there, if it gets a lot worse the vet can prescribe some stuff. I have never seen the yellow stuff before but the “fungus” we get here from the limestone footing is not fungus at all its a bacteria infection and we use the antibiotic called exceeds. Its a shot and works great.

Are you sure this isn’t mites? They tend to do this in winter under the mane.
I would have the vet take a look.