Fused big toe?

About 2 weeks ago now I slipped and fell down the stairs at home and dislocated my big toe on my right foot and sprained some stuff and broke a couple small bones. Got a referral to the ortho and when he saw the xrays he said “Wow”.
I have had pain in the big joint of that big toe for a couple of years but just sucked it up and ignored it due to husband being perpetually deployed, my job and not having time to be sick. Apparently there is degenerative arthritis in that toe (I’m sure from being stepped on over the years) and there is no cartilage in that toe, along with having some bone spurs.
Had surgery yesterday, pinned the other bones from the fall, cleaned up the spurs and the arthritis, and put a plate and 5 screws in the big toe to fuse it.
Doc says no weight bearing AT ALL on that foot for 12 weeks. Believe me I dont even want to touch it with the pain I’m in much less try to walk on it. There is so much dressing on it, I have my horses hock boot wrapped around it and I cant even feel the ice.
Of course 12 weeks will put me right at the beginning of cubbing, and I will e unfit. Grr.
Has anyone else had surgery like this? I’m a little worried about my boot still fitting. What about mounting and dismounting?

Suggestions for riding and staying fit

Not as difficult as you might think…
From a cardio standpoint, use an upper body ergometer, such as the arms from an Airdyne type bike. The formulas for determining HR training range are slightly different. You can probably find them online.

Weight training is easy. Just do everything from a sitting position.
The bigger concern will be rehabbing as an injury like this will have a significant effect on your entire lower extremity and how you carry your weight side-to-side. Your rehab professional should be able to answer all your questions.

This would be my opinion, in terms of on horse,
Will probably be able to wear your original boots. Physician may offer two options…some kind of rigid sole to minimize the amount of load you put through the joint
a thicker soled shoe that is build on a rocker bottom. That of course will not work when mounted.
As such, when mounted I would go to military style cavalry foot and not worry about heels down.

Is there someone around who can teach you how to ride from your seat?

Mounting/dismounting should not be a problem once you have rehabbed.

Medical Mike
equestrian medical researcher

Thanks! That actually all makes me feel better. I was a little worried since I keep hearing about how important the big toe is. As long as i can get it in my boot I will be happy!
I know how to ride from my seat, as in ride correctly, if that is what you mean. I’m 44 and have had lessons and ridden since i was about 10. I whip in at a hunt so i dont know if the no heels down thing will work lol unless i want to break more stuff. I guess that part i will just have to figure out that part for myself once i can get back on.
it is feeling much better, much less pain, and tomorrow i have my post op appointment so we shall see what the dr thinks about how it’s healing.