Gallop License

I was curious as to what all the outrider typically wants to see/ not see when he evaluates a new exercise rider about his license to gallop at a racetrack?

Also, what if the horse they’re on has soundness issues- for instance has trouble staying in a gallop or jog/ wants to slow down, fatigued? Or stumbles a lot? What are you expected to do?

Will that be on the rider as in, get their license denied? Definitely not good to start?

Thanks so much!

Sigh. I ignored this for awhile, but here goes.

To get a license you need to know the rules and follow them, maintain control of your horse, and demonstrate that you are safe to yourself and everyone else out there.

As to the rest of your question, the best I can do is tell you that if you are working for someone whose horses are so lame or fatigued they can’t even gallop or jog, what you are generally expected to do is to stop working for that idiot.