Ganglionic Cyst Removal?

Hi everyone!
For maybe a year now, I’ve had intermittent (every 6-12 weeks or so) thumb pain that makes it very difficult to groom a horse or any similar grasping/flicking motion.

I went in for an ortho consult and the radiographs didn’t show any bony changes, so right now we’re thinking it’s probably a ganglionic cyst that just isn’t palpable. I’m waiting for MRI clearance as we speak.

Assuming it is a cyst, I want to get that sucker out of there ASAP since it has been causing issues. Does anyone have experience with ganglionic cyst removal? I know it’s a minimally invasive surgery, but of course it’s in my dominant hand, and I was just wondering how long I’d be recuperating before I can write/type/ride again. Interwebz say 2-6 weeks, which is a pretty big range…

I had a large one removed from my wrist just below my thumb 13 years ago. My scar looks like a boomerang and the incision was held together with one stitch. They put a half cast on (the bottom was plaster and was wrapped with an ace bandage) and I had that on for a little over 2 weeks. Once they took it off I was able to use my hand. My Dr instructed me to do a little bit of physical therapy at home. If I remember correctly about a week later I didn’t need to do that anymore.

I’ve had them drained many, many times from my wrists and removed TWICE.

I would skip the removal and go with draining. Removing didn’t make them go away for me at all…they just returned.

Sorry - no experience with having one removed, but I’ve had one drained 2 or 3 times. The dr. didn’t recommend removal as he said it would more than likely return. So - I’ve resigned myself to having it drained when it causes me pain or discomfort.

Interesting- thanks for the input, everyone.
I guess we’ll see once I have an actual MRI diagnosis, but since it’s not really palpable/visible from the outside, I’m not sure how feasible it would be to drain it.

My thought process was to have it taken out and then maybe if it regrows, it will grow in a way that does not impede on the nerves, as this one seems to.

Thanks- I can always count on COTH to have great info/advice on any topic!

I’ve had two removed and had 1 drained. Draining it didn’t work. It just came back.

I had to keep it immobile for 2 weeks. Then it was another 2-4 weeks before I was back to normal. At which point my foundered pony was due for another trim. I wore a brace and made it through the trimming ok.

I didn’t have to get a cast either time. I just wore a wrist brace 24/7 until my doc told me I could stop.

Have the surgery done by a skilled hand surgeon. The one who did my first surgery was ok. The second was really good. Did a much better job and I recovered better. I needed PT after the first one was removed, even though it was fairly small (size of a pencil eraser). The second was huge (size of a quarter), but the recovery was better and no PT.

I had one removed from my wrist about 2 years ago. The recovery wasnt all that bad, it took about 2 weeks before I was back to my normal routine. However, it grew back within 6 months of getting it removed. I am about to start looking for another surgeon to remove it again, as it is getting increasingly painful and starting to interfere with my daily life again.

Good luck OP!

I have had three of them. Each time the various doctors recommended no treatment and that they would disappear on their own. The doctors were correct.

I had one several years ago which disappeared on its own. Now I am looking at what to do with a trigger finger! I don’t think it will go away.

Had one removed from the V of my thumb a number of years ago. It was minimal and hasn’t bother me since.
And WT, just had trigger finger repaired about a month ago along with Duypeytrens contracture and still recovering. Trigger is gone, but the pain and stiffness remain.

Years ago i had a ganglion cyst right at the base of my right ring finger. Hurt like Hell to hold the reins in that hand and interfered with drawing. I was a freelance pencil-and-paper animator back then. You sit and draw for hours and hours. My hand would cramp up faster than usual.

I was shocked at the size of this thing that caused me so much aggravation. It was teeny-tiny. Must have been the location and not the size that caused such trouble. As I recall, I was splinted for a little while, then did some PT. Out of the saddle for about a month.

Dr. did not want the site irritated by my gloves or reins. Later, I developed a trigger finger – same finger. Even more aggravating! Surgery fixed it ans IIRC, the recovery time was quicker than the ganglion removal.

I thought you just hit them with a big book.

I thought you just hit them with a big book.[/QUOTE]


I had my first one removed in my early 20’s…it was on my right wrist and I’m right handed, it hurt like hell, so when the Dr. said he could remove it, I said “Sign me up!” Unfortunately, I didn’t quite think it through, had a toddler at the time, who required lots of picking up as toddlers do… and it was excruciating. I swore I’d never have surgery again. So…when it came back about a year later, I hit it with a book, really, really, REALLY hard… it took a couple tries, but problem solved.