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Gas Wood Chippers

Any thoughts on a gas powered wood chipper? Ones you like? Ones to stay away from?

Electric ones are probably too small with some of our limbs and I don't think we need a PTO. Definitely want to get the max limb width possible. We have a fairly large area of trees by the road. When we came here, it just had tiny limbs and sticks - really wasn't even mulched. We don't want to continually put down pine straw. Have thought about a ground cover, but it abuts my large front yard and also my neighbors - don't want it growing in those areas. 

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

I have a Pulsar wood chipper. It’s been reliable with few issues. It’s surprisingly powerful. I also liked that I could just return it to Home Depot or Lowes (can’t remember which) if we needed versus shipping it back to a company. We have about 15 acres of woods and clear land when we can. We really needed something for all the tree limbs because we could use the thicker cuts for firewood. It cuts up to about 3 or 4 inches.

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I’m happy with the Cub Cadet. You can see it in this thread on DIY Chopped Hay – it has the upper chute for leaves and small stuff (which I also use for chopping hay for the really old horse) but it also has the lower opening for branches.