Gel Bits! Personal experiences?

We have started my young horse in a flat leather bitless bridle.

He’s a very sensitive young Dutch guy, and ready to wear a bit. I typically start with a happy mouth, flexible, white bit, but I am intrigued by the gels. Would love some feedback.
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I don’t know about the gel bits, but a big name clincian recommended a rubber bit for my mare this fall, so I put her in this Bombers and it has been a total game changer. I’d probably spent at least $1K on various high end bits over a couple years. I’m not sure this bit is legal, but I won’t be showing recognized for a bit. When I do, there are several plainer type mouthpieces with lots of flexibility, which I’ll try out.

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Anyone have experience with these? The above bomber looks to lumpy for my guy.

Yes I use this one. Horse likes it but initially chewed a bit of a ding in it, it’s very soft. In hindsight I should have wrapped it prior to using. He doesn’t chew it now, it was the novel feeling of the different material I think.

The preferred contact is designed to lay flat on the tongue - it’s hard to see in the photo but the middle bit is flattened. But when I ordered it I didn’t realize the one in your link was also flexible. That is probably the one I’ll get to show in.

I’ve used the Bombers since late September and it has a few nicks but is in good condition still. My mare would always put teeth marks in the Sprenger and NS bits, so if it was easy to chew up she probably would have done so by now.

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actually outerbanks77 it was your post that inspired me to try it initially though the preferred contact wasn’t available, so thanks !

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I bought a winderen gel bit but returned without trying because it was so thick. my guy goes happily in a nathe.

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What about this one?

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YES! I have this bit and it is a.m.a.z.i.n.g. If I were a horse, this is the bit I would want in my mouth. It is incredibly soft and flexible. It does not have a wire core. It is also nice and thin. Holy grail bit.


Just wanted to clarify that you were talking about the trust bit, correct?

Nope! I’m referencing the Bombers moulded mullen. Someone in my barn had the Trust bit and it was super fat (thick) in diameter @ 20mm, which would not work for my horse. The Bombers moulded mullen is much thinner. I have a 115mm and the diameter is 14m.

Here’s a video where you can get an idea of how soft and flexible it is.

I also appear to stand corrected - according to the video, it does have a steel core - I can’t believe it given how thin and flexible the bit is!

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