Thank you for adding the poster’s name to the mobile site post list.
Please can can we make it a different color or font size? It makes it difficult to read the post title quickly when it runs into the name.
Thank you for adding the poster’s name to the mobile site post list.
Please can can we make it a different color or font size? It makes it difficult to read the post title quickly when it runs into the name.
When I was looking around in the “Who’s Online” section, I found a small pop-up called “Reputation”. It’s a little bar graph. What is this a measure of?
OK, I’ve given it awhile. Aside from the usual learning curve on finding the new features, my main complaint is, as others have said: Background TOO BRIGHT! Font too small with not enough contrast! I’m spending far less time here because it’s just so hard to read. It’s not worth the eyestrain!
The color looks much better! I’m a little OCD so the shading between the main discussion and the inner shadow box (maybe 15px from the edge of where you see whose posted in the dark grey box) is weird to me, but overall I can see so yay :). Farewell bright white. The font size is fine to me too. I’m not sure if it got bigger or if it is just the grey background making things look more readable.
@Moderator 1 Is the font the same size as it was on the old forum?
It does not look smaller to me, but people keep saying it is smaller, that is why I ask.
It does maybe look a little more narrow to me, is it a different font?
I’m also perplexed by all of this feedback that the font is too small. The font is bigger than the old forum. But I do think you’re right, trub, that it’s a different font and the letters are closer together. I went and pulled an archived page to look.
That is what I think it is. This font is more compact which does make it harder to read. I bet they could make it an inch tall and people would still be complaining about it.
@Simkie Thanks for the side by side comparison. It is very helpful. (I do not know how to pull up the old forum to do that.)
@Simkie @trubandloki
Thanks for the font feedback. I remember when we released the last version of the site, we ended up tweaking the font, so we may have had something other than the default vBulletin on the last site. I just sent Simkie’s side-by-side to the developers to see if there’s any reason we can’t switch.
Thanks so much!
There’s a reputation system available with the software (and in previous versions as well) that we have chosen not to enable. We have had concerns about it becoming a point of contention among users, and therefore opted to keep it simple on that front.
Thanks ~
Mod 1
I think Simkie hit on it. Font can make a huge difference. I know in Word, I can leave the size alone and get completely different “spacing” (read mostly white space) depending on the font I select… can be an interesting exercise to mess around with
@Simkie I also bumped up the PM word limit. I’ll ask them if there’s a solid reason for instituting a limit at all.
Woooo! Thanks! :yes:
Any thoughts on the possibility of making the PM reply boxes bigger?
@Moderator 1 On PMs is there a certain number of PMs in inbox before it’s full and can’t receive more? I’ve looked and don’t see where it tells that. On old board it was 100 is that still the same deal on new site here.?
Whoa, font looks wider. Not sure if I like it :lol: but that was certainly a quick turn around on the update!
I can’t say I like how big or how spaced the lettering in the font is either. I’m blind as a bat and even this font is too big/spaced out for me. Is there any way we can request a “default” style for the old font back on people that don’t need the wide spacing/lettering and big old font?
The letters look inconsistently spaced, don’t they?
I wonder if it is a monospace vs proportional issue?
Hmmm, no, the “i” isn’t taking up the same space as other letters. But look at how different the “o” is spaced between your first and second “how,” beowulf. Weird.
Eta: the font looks FAB on mobile, though!
it does and I’m loving mobile. I am one of the first people to admit I HATE change, but thus far I am really liking some of the new browsing capabilities COTH has.
I was one of the few posters that didn’t seem to notice a change in the font type when the new format was released… I wonder if it is browser related? I am on Mozilla.
Ohhhhhhhh. Letter spacing changes with WINDOW sizing.
Check this out. Linking so it stays big. Top is maximized window on 24" monitor. Bottom is window minimized to half the screen. This is chrome but I found same thing in Firefox.
(Look at the “can’t” and the first “how” and “big/spaced”…there are a whole lot of differences between those two views, and that seems really odd.)
Guessing this has to do with font type?
Ok I’ve received two request now from different users. Option with request are accept or deny it doesn’t tell what the request is. I have my info on my profile so it can’t be viewed ,so are they requesting to be able to view that or what??
Wish it would tell what the request was for when you receive it.
Guessing that if you block people from seeing something as benign as your recent activity on your profile page, you’re going to be getting quite a few subscription requests. There’s nothing on there that isn’t searchable, anyway, so I don’t really see the point to limiting it.
You can stop seeing the subscribe requests by unchecking that box on user settings>notifications.