I’ve been searching for a hackamore for a horse I’m training to be a lead pony for me at the track, he is a great little guy, probably the easiest youngster I’ve ever worked with, but I think he be happier in a hackamore than a regular bit.
He has a good mouth, listens well, plenty of “whoa”, but he likes to go with his tongue out and the bit just gets in his way. I’ve ridden him with just a halter and reins and he seemed to like it, so I’m thinking a hack would be worth a try, but every one I come across emphasizes how much “side pull” and whoa they have. They almost seem harsher than a regular bit.
I’ve heard hackamore horror stories and I am admittedly very ignorant to how they work. Any suggestions, advice? Is this horse even a good candidate? Yes his teeth are in good shape.
Here is one I looked at that seems nicer? http://www.valleyvet.com/ct_detail.html?pgguid=4deb875b-27a8-4443-93a8-42e93a5bdb85&gas=Bits
I plan to go through my Dover catalog later tonight.