Get well gift for eye surgery

I found out last night that my friend, who is also my favorite horse photographer, is having major eye surgery at the end of February. I want to get her something. I like tacky needlework (I’ve been looking for a ‘good’ plastic canvas project to do while I recover) but the vision issue seems to kill that. Same with most other things I can think of. She’s kind of an techie/electronic type. A gift basket with bath salts/aromatherapy stuff is out, she has VERY sensitive skin. I was thinking about some books on tape. Would that be bad/insensitive? She’s lost a lot of vision in one eye (surgery is to stop/slow progression), but the other is fine. Or I could just go with flowers and a card. Anything has to be able to be shipped or ordered online/delivered as she’s a couple states away. Thanks.

Is she a horsie person? If yes, why not get her a nice horsehair bracelet. They are very unique and make a lovely gift.

She’s not really a “horse person.” She does great photography and it is pretty amazing how she has learned what to look for in a good picture since she has no background in horses at all.

how about food? gift basket of something yummy?

I was thinking about one of those Edible Arrangements baskets - they are delicious! I know we’ve always appreciated them when we’ve received one.

how is your friend’s eye?

This really depends on how close you are with this person.

A friend of mine went through eye surgery, & I gave him a lovely chicken-motif mug (he raises chickens) filled with a set of sharpened color pencils. Yeah - insensitive & incorrect, but he LOVED it. But that’s because we have that kind of relationship. I wouldn’t do something like that with someone who wasn’t a very close friend.