One gelding I had quite a job to get him in the water. The next day it rained. I tacked him in a wintec and a plastic bridle and took him out. By the time we got to the water he didnt care one iota about it anymore.[/QUOTE]
They are funny creatures, aren’t they! My mare is also better about crossing water when it’s raining; perhaps the sound of the raindrops hitting the water gives her “more data” about just how deep it is.
That said – this is the same mare who, when confronted with not one but two big rubber water troughs at her new barn, would play and play – sticking legs in and splashing, submerging her whole head into the water and tossing it around, and tipping over the smaller trough on a regular basis. (She has an automatic waterer now.) She’s also fine crossing water that has a thin coat of ice on it, so she breaks through it and gets wet.