Getting in touch with owners?

Is there any effective, polite way to get in contact with owners from a horse’s track time? Is there a particular etiquette to follow? I would love to have any photos of my late horse. He was owned by the Radosevichs, who I gather are still a racing family in Florida and/or Ohio. I tried awhile ago to reach out to Shelby over Facebook but got no response.

If your horse was a winner, your best bet is to call the track photographer for a win photo.

You could try sending a letter to a trainer c/o the racing office where he/she is stabled; the racing office will give it to them. The best way to get a response is to include photos of your own, and a nice story, so they are touched and don’t think you’re scamming them :slightly_smiling_face:

But if the owners have a large outfit with a lot of turnover they may not remember much at all. So if they don’t respond it could be for that simple reason.

Owners may or may not have much involvement with the horses. The trainers do most of the work. The entire track world can be leery of communicating with post race career riding owners who might be snooping around to find out about track injuries. So yes if you do reach out be super positive and stress how wonderful he is etc etc.

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