Ghost Western Saddle for WDAA

I’m looking for advice from someone who has experience competing with WDAA. I’m interested in joining because they allow a bitless option at any age (with a bosal) and my horse has been calmer bitless so I’d like to support these opportunities. I have ridden many western saddles over the years for cowhorse, reining, AQHA shows, and working cattle for feedlots. That being said, I sold my last western saddle because I wasn’t using it much with my older horse, but am wanting to get another one to ride a young short-backed horse with.

So, I came across Ghost saddles and I’ve deep dived into their design. I like the brand and am considering a flapless model with western skirt and mohawk pommel. I read the WDAA guidelines (which I’ll link below) and there was no statement (I found) that said it had to have a tree; though I consider Ghosts a tree-adjacent saddle because there is quite a bit of structure. These are the guidelines from WDAA (link:


A standard American Western stock saddle with swells, a seat, cantle, skirt, fenders, and Western stirrups is required. A working Western side saddle is also acceptable.

a. Optional and permitted features may include:

1. Horn

2. Padding or pads on the seat of saddle

3. Bucking rolls

4. Tapaderos, except in Western Dressage Equitation

b. The following features and style of saddles are not permitted:

1. Thigh & knee rolls

2. Saddles: Australian, Baroque, English, McClellan and Spanish

c. Silver equipment will not count over a good working outfit.

d. A breastplate, crupper, and/or breeching may be used. "

This is the model I saw that I liked, which can be set up with western rigging to meet the guidelines as well:

I’m asking for feedback from members who have competed WDAA: would this saddle get you DQ’d? I like the product but also don’t want to spend on something I can’t compete with.

I can’t tell you specifically about WDAA, but USEF/USDF dressage rules do not prohibit treeless saddles.

My advice is to contact WDAA directly and ask. Don’t rely on internet strangers to know the rules, except @Janet, of course. But I don’t know whether Janet’s knowledge extends to WDAA rules.

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Thank you for the response. As a follow-up, I did reach out to WDAA and one of the Rules Specialists said the saddle appeared legal from the photos provided.

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Glad you got good news.

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That should be fine. A horn is not mandatory. But ALWAYS contact WDAA with a picture and get in writing that’s it’s OK.