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Gifts for someone new to driving

My BFF has been wanting to drive forever and has been taking lessons with her Morgan. She just recently bought her own harness and marathon cart. She is over the moon excited. I would like to make her Christmas gift something driving related, even a gift card would great. Any thoughts on a great gift? She is planning on pleasure driving for now, maybe showing in the future but that would be a few years down the road.

A nice harness pad set in her favorite color, maybe? Or driving gloves if your know her size. Or maybe a gift certificate for a lesson.

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A laprobe could be quite useful as the weather cools. They come in models that are waterproof and fabric, cut the wind for you. You might find a used one on the various FB driving sites. We won a horse quartersheet once, heavy nylon on the outside, polar fleece inside, and it has made a terrific laprobe! Lots to wrap around you and keep you warm, still have your feet sticking out to move easily while wearing it. It washes like a dream, I hang it to dry.


@cayuse and @goodhors
thank you- great ideas!

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A gift card to ivc carriage, chrysalis acres or a to z horse driving would be nice, all are online shipping friendly.

I think the first thing I bought after I started driving is a decent whip, lightweight and balanced. The second thing was decent reins, because as much as I love my synthetic harness, those plain beta reins are just about the worst. After that I started working through a series of bits, trying to find the right one for my pony.


I was going to suggest a quarter sheet / lap robe too.

Depending on your budget: maybe a nice silk scarf for her to wear at shows, a number holder, a Hats by Katie hat, parts to her spares kit like a hole punch, a nice carbon fiber whip, travel buckets in her barn color for shows.

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I say gloves, because you can never have too many pairs of driving gloves for different weather conditions.



Maybe some harness bells or something along those lines? I’ve used Classic Bells for some custom stuff (harness bells and bear bells) but they also sell some pre made bells and other gifts.


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True, but gloves are a really personal choice for some people. I try them on, grab reins and make someone pull the other end before I buy. A lot of them do not pass the test!

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I had no idea the cheapass whip I had was making my wrists hurt. Until I tried an MCR.
They’re not overly pricy & nice enough for show.
Agree on the too narrow biothane lines :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I use leather, though I love my biothane harness, the feel just isn’t there for me in the lines that came with it.

Gift certificate for IVC or Chrysalis Acres :+1:
I’ve found both Myrna/Chad & Mary great to deal with :blush:
If you get harness pads, get the breathable neoprene, not fleece. Even synthetic fleece gets crusty. Neoprene comes in colors & is a lot easier to keep clean < = not galling.

@MunchingonHay That’d have to be a really good friend for a Hats by Katie gift! :astonished:
Will you be my friend? JK!

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Thank you everyone for all of the great ideas!

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She did not give us a budget :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Of course you are my friend… hate to break the news; but I am poor. :laughing: :crazy_face:

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Choices are so individual. I wouldn’t want anyone to buy me a whip–I want to try it for myself. When I bought my last one, my kid and I were running around the tack shop, beating each other with whips. Had to find out how well it worked, don’t you know.

I thought it was interesting that you don’t like biothane lines. I loved mine, and don’t like leather lines. I had both, as my Hackney’s harness was leather but my large pony harness was biothane.



How about a driving lesson? I just firmed that gift up today myself for somone who loves driving. :grinning:

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Those weren’t suggestions for gifts, rather things a person might like to use a gift card for (because it’s all personal). But IVC has Leito whips and they are very affordable and pretty much replaced my collection of MCR whips

I thought beta reins were great right up until we moved past prelim. Not Grippy. Enough. I got hand spasms trying to hold those through marathon!

I use beta reins with rubber grip (not the pebble print grip) + stops + handholds for marathon. Dressage is thinner leather with stops


That’s a good idea. My husband gave me a lesson on a Percheron pair for one of my 50-something birthdays. He and our daughter came along, and took a lot of photos, both on and off the wagon. It’s a gift I will never forget.



That sounds amazing! A Percheron pair! Yes, just today I paid for two driving lessons as gift for someone special to me. And the teacher suggested I come along which sound SO fun!


I’ll stan for my MCR - recommended by Chad Rhinehart (in the flesh) :heart_eyes:

I find the biothane lines slippery w/o gloves & as I’m a Fairweather Driver :roll_eyes:, not often wearing gloves if I’m not showing.
These days, I rarely show :smirk:
My leather lines are from my shoer (who drives).
His basement is a virtual Driving tack warehouse.
He buys, repairs & reconditions used stuff.
IIRC, I paid less than $20 for my leather pony-length reins.
Later paid my harness repair guy $5 to change the buckles from brass to stainless.

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It was a great experience. Just as we started out, the owner of the horses said “oh, they might be a bit fresh–they haven’t been out yet this spring.” They certainly wanted to go, but were also very responsive. I felt like I was driving a locomotive, compared to my ponies. Such power!



I have a Hat by Katie that I bought in 1992. Haven’t driven since maybe late 1990’s but the hat lives on!
Since hats are SO personal, I’d not try to guess what friend would like. And realistically if she’s not showing anytime soon, this is not such a useful thing.
You might want to consider a book on carriage driving; there are a ton online. Some on training, etc, some on history of carriages and everything in between. Not $$.
Not to side track thread, but here is my hat