Girth and rein suggestions

Hmm, some good suggestions so far, thanks all! I basically need to order Riding Warehouse or SmartPak’s (both do easy and fast returns, IME) entire short girth inventory :rofl: he might prefer straight, or leather, or maybe he doesn’t like elastic :thinking: I’m going to buy him something I think he won’t like, and maybe that’ll do the trick :joy:

No luck finding the Stubben reins in the specs that I need. I’ve found other reins that would be great…if they didn’t have stops!

Did you just use a seam ripper and undo the stitching on the stops?

My otqh didn’t like the low location of the buckles on dressage saddles, they seemed to hit him in a sensitive spot on his ribs, so we had to use a jumping length girth.


Yes! That’s exactly what I did. :grin: I have also used fine pointed sewing scissors a time or two on tack stitching, and they work well.

Another suggestion for the Tapestry girth. They are in Canada. Very stretchy and reduced contact along the horse’s sides.

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I really don’t. She seems to go fine in the shaped ProChoice girth I use with my jumping saddle as well, but to me it just makes sense to change it up and not create the same pressure patterns every ride.

I have two (potential) solutions for you:

Reins: I have two sets and love them. I also hate rubber unless it’s raining and despise cleaning any lacing/grips.

Girth: My mare had the same girthiness (surcingle and multiple saddles too). I didn’t want to spend the money on this one, but it’s the only thing that’s kept her happy. It comes in short and long versions, and comes with either the sheepskin pad or a leather one.

I think I’m going to try the Equi-Soft girth. It’s pricey, and I couldn’t find one with a trial period, but SmartPak usually has a good return and satisfaction policy. Or I’ll just resell if it doesn’t work out, I guess.

I’ve been reading about that girth for awhile, and it seems suitable for a few reasons. I’m just not sure if I want to go with leather or sheepskin, ultimately. I may start with the leather.

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My somewhat girthy horse is still girthy in the Equi Soft, just FYI. But he barely wants to be touched in the sternum area so YMMV. But it is a fantastic girth.

Strangely enough, my princess and the pea horse likes the Professional Choice Ven Tech dressage girth. It’s kinda plasticky feeling but I wonder if she likes how wide it is. I think she also likes the Equi Soft but her saddle slips forward with that one.

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All of my horses have loved the ProChoice girth. Bonus is it’s super easy to clean. It can chafe a horse who doesn’t have a lot of real estate down there, but you can’t beat the pressure distribution. I have it in long and short.

The really wide ProChoice contoured one? I think that’d be too wide for this horse, but I don’t know.

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Yes. I have a few of them in various sizes that I’d be willing to let go for far cheaper than new - what size are you looking for?

@endlessclimb I also would be interested in picking up one from you. I currently have her going in a 26, but she’s really at least a 28 if not a 30. PM me if you have either of those sizes!

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Let me double check when I get home the sizes!

These are great.

Girth-wise, I also recommend the Professionals Choice. I think it’s neoprene and thought my girl would hate it but she’s been a fan. I also had the stretch-tec TSF girth on a round Lusi gelding and it fit him well.

I would not recommend the tapestry girth. It makes pressure points under the seams. My saddle fitter also hates them.

Yeah, I’d need a 30. It looks wide, but I’m going to see if I can find dimensions somewhere.

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I can measure for you too. I don’t think I have a 30, but I’ll check.

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I might have a 30, I can check tomorrow. no longer own it’s horse.

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I looked up the order, it’s black 30 and I’ll double check at the barn. pm me if interested.

Mine is a 26, sorry @Pico_Banana! I thought i had a 28 but I can’t locate it. Measurement below