I’ve been doing a little looking at the web regarding how a girth should fit. I have a QH and I have typically used a 20" girth with the thought process that it should be low to avoid interfering with your leg. Everything I have found on the web says it should come above the elbow and have about two inches between the pad and the top of the girth.
The problem is, if you don’t have a warmblood, the remaining billet tail will be SUPER long with nowhere to tuck it in (usually the pockets are fairly shallow). Has anyone dealt with this? I’m a little reluctant to cut the billets, but…
Here’s a pic of my current setup. This is a 20" girth. If I get a longer one that prescribes to the idea that there should only be 2 inches between pad and girth, the “tails” are going to be really long.