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Girthy Horse - Any ideas?

FWIW, I posted about a similar issue with my part-llease horse recently. I got a ton of responses to treat her for ulcers (not straightforward to do in a part-lease situation). Someone helpfully suggested switching to a sheepskin girth. I have, and it’s made a huge difference. Might be worth trying.

And I’ll try the massage listed up thread!

Some horses just never do care to be girthed up and are not shy about making their displeasure known. It isn’t always saddle fit or ulcers related.

If physical issues and tack fit is ruled out then I have had success on the 2 I have had like this by just holding a crop in my mouth. I show it to them prior to girthing and they just stand there with no grumpy face or trying to bite me.

All it took was the 1 slight pop on the neck( and a NO) that first day at the first sign of snarky behavior. I never even swat my guys under normal circumstances.

Melly didn’t love the girth I used, it was a super nice Dressage girth, but stiff and cold.

I got him a gel girth.
Adding a girth sock can also help.

When touching, brushing, etc use a firm touch, so there’s no risk of tickling.

Also consider ulcers, of course.

My girth might be gel filled, it’s very padded and squishy. I agree about the firm touch with a brush, just doesn’t like being touched there so I make a point of it when I groom. He has the grouch face but at least he’s not thinking about kicking me anymore. :roll_eyes:

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my horses all love belly scratches… i just get in there with fingers curled and fingernails scratching back and forth and watch their upper lip just wigggggle.

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Clicker training is actually how I was able to turn a very food aggressive & muggy horse into the complete opposite! Now the horse just stands & waits for me to come with the food, vs. barging in on my space. Having a very food motivated horse is easier than a horse that isn’t interested in treats IMO since they’re typically more engaged & eager to learn

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I have had a horse that was grumpy about girthing. We could find no ulcers or digestive issues. BUt one thing I made clear from the start - you may NOT swing your head around to threaten! That got a yell and a smack. He could express his opinion with his ears and face, but no threatening ever. After trying many things he liked a fuzzy, shaped girth best. I would attach the far side then stand in front of him until he “gave me his ears” then give him a crunchy treat. While he was chewing I would do up the girth but not riding-tight. After a short while he barely moved an ear. Then I would walk him a bit and stretch out his front legs before tightening the girth. BTW I tried to walk him a bit before tacking up if he had been in his stall.
With this procedure he was okay, if not happy about girthing. I can relate - I hate the feel of the band of my bra! :joy:


My older horse is girthy - it’s one of the few things about him that’s not perfect. We do well by being very gentle with the process - lowest hole on the off side, lowest hole on the near (wathcing for the snake of the head, at which I’ll growl), then back to the off side for snugging. Then a treat, if he’s not been nasty. I then give him a few minutes (getting myself ready) and then snug up the near side. And then one more hole after I get on.

The process doesn’t take that much more time and gives me a happier horse. I can always tell if someone else has tacked him up not following the routine…

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My mare ended up having EPM. She started getting girthy and then objected to being curried where the saddle goes. Worse on her left side than her right. Checked all the usual suspects ie saddle, ulcers chiro, body worker etc. She started kicking at chiropractor and was very sore. Vet drew blood to rule out Lyme and epm. Never really expected the diagnosis. Mare was never neurological although she would tightrope behind when standing. Never lame. Responded to treatment with lavamasol and another drug. Has since had a couple bouts of polyneuritis and is currently on a clinical trial.

I have a percussion massage gun that I use for the massage - helps get a better massage without cramping up my hands, and Miss Mare seems to really like the gun!

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