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Glass-less (mylar) mirrors for arena???

Has anyone tried glassless (mylar) mirrors in their riding arena??? I am thinking about trying something like this: https://glasslessmirror.com/ My big question is how they will hold up with all the dust, humidity and temperature change in an indoor arena. (They seem to be primarily made for indoors). I think I remember someone on this list getting some a couple years ago. Any updates??

We put up glassless mirrors a few years ago. We are happy with them in our indoor arena. We went with the mylar mirrors for safety reasons. We work primarily with young horses. They are set back from the arena a few feet so we can’t brush against them riding past them. We keep them covered with drapes when we are not using them. We keep the footing in the arena as dust free as possible so dust on the mirrors has not been a problem. We live in the midwest so we have extreme weather changes but there have not been any issues. There is one small hole from a bird beak flying into it and one spot where a horse having a little free time tried to bite the horse in the mirror. Over all, we are happy with them.