Glitch in ForumAssistant turtorial

OK, so I slogged my way through the tutorial <ugh, brutally slow> and encountered two issues.

  1. At the step where it asks you to flag the comment as Inappropriate, I did so but the ForumAssistant didn’t respond. After a long delay, it responded with a prompt that I hadn’t completed that step. (Even though the screen did reflect that I had flagged the comment).
    See screen shot in case this isn’t clear:

  2. According to the tutorial, there’s supposed to be a search icon at top right, but I don’t see it anywhere on my screen.

(sure hoping the site will speed up. It’s intolerably slow but I’m guessing that’s just a go-live issue and can be solved.)

Search has been pulled temporarily as apparently it was causing some of the problems. In another thread, Mod1 said the devs were working on it and it would be back.

Glad to see you were able to play around with the helper bot at all! I tried yesterday and it just timed out. Things are improving, woo!

And for some reason my post reporting the glitch was flagged as inappropriate and removed.

That was my fault! I was testing the flag on your post and apparently my admin powers immediately render a flagged post unfit for viewing!

If you prompt the ForumAssistant again, does the tutorial pick back up?

Yes, It gave me the option to Skip (the step I’d already done, that it didn’t know I’d done), and then it let me continue to the next step.
Hope you Mods are hanging in there. New system implementations are always hairy.

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