where are you located?///what kind of goat?..male or female…wethered?
horns or no/…ok with dogs,horses,kids…?.UTD on all vaccinations?
depending on the answers to these questions, you might have luck contacting a goat club within a 4H organization. IF the goat cannot breed/be bred…IF it does not have horns to injure udders in a dairy herd…IF it is not lots bigger than other goats in the herd,to be bossy…IF it is stranger/child friendly,so herd owners may walk into herd without being challenged…
We had pygmies for many years with a random Nubian or alpine thrown in when someone needed a home. But, I only raised for pet quality animals,…temperment was more important than milk production or perfect conformation. But,someone with a dairy herd may not take the risk of disease or injury from a newcomer.
Any petting zoos nearby? Or pet sanctuary?.You might be able to take him to a sanctuary for a prescribed amount of time if you help out financially and/or with labor…
A single goat is an unhappy ,lonely goat. Where is he now?