Just a bit of background: I decided to take my 10 year old Warmblood gelding barefoot, after thinking about it and researching for 4 years (fear and uncertainty kept me from doing it earlier) - his shoes where pulled 3 weeks ago and he has had an initial trim then as the frogs where quite overgrown and he had some infection that we had to get to. He had his second trim yesterday. He has a sheared heel as well as a bacterial infection in the left fore, both coming right nicely. His previous farrier trimmed his toes very short and his heels where quite high, especially in the back hooves. The frogs in three hooves where quite overgrown. I switched to a pro-barefoot farrier.
He was fine for more than two weeks, but felt a bit sensitive on Saturday and didn’t quite want to turn to the left. On Sunday he was only happy walking on grass, same on Monday. I had the trimmer come out yesterday to see what’s going on. He assessed and mentioned that it could be because his hooves have grown quite a bit over the past few weeks, that his heels and frogs are learning to take weight again and work correctly after being in shoes for 6.5 years. The farrier did say that he may have bruised, but he couldn’t quite see anything relating to a bruise.
My horse looked a lot more comfortable moving away from the trim. He is happy to turn in both directions on grass. I am present when the trims happen, the farrier has not touched the toes to allow the callous to develop, but he said he has been trimming more frog than he would ever
I went this morning and took some pics - from what I can tell it looks like a bruise on his one heel bulb that I can’t remember was there yesterday, as seen in the pic. I am waiting for the farrier to get back to me, but in the meantime I would like to know if anyone else had this happen to their horses, whether this does look to be a bruise and what can be done to relieve it.
As a side-note, we are in South Africa, had unusually heavy rainfalls recently, the going in his paddock is firm but with short grass. He is out most of the day, but stabled at night. I am making adjustments to his diet, in the process of balancing his minerals and so on. He gets a slow feeder net so he doesn’t guzzle all his hay in an hour.
As another side-note - I really don’t want to get into a shod vs barefoot debate. I’ve been getting a lot of knowledge from this site, hence joining and being part of the community! [ATTACH=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“large”,“data-attachmentid”:10091036}[/ATTACH]