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Going to look at an old tractor today

Check to see if you have weighted tires on the rear. The weight adds to the tractors ability to push or pull, making tire tread dig in. Beet pulp juice is now the preferred filler because does not rust out the rims like chloride fill does. You don’t fill front tires. Just keeping tractor tires out of the sun will add years to their life.

There is an adapter that goes on the PTO that allows “free spinning” when using things with moving parts, like brush hogs (for example). Not sure of the technical term, but you don’t have to wait for blades to stop before you can shift. Worth the money to get it.

My husband watches Utube videos by a lady who runs a business fixing older Ford tractors. He likes how she covers all the details in the repair. Uses her information to fix our Ford 9N.

If you have a local Ford tractor dealer, you might take the tractor in for the upgrade radiator cap. It is a safety issue, should tractor ever tip over. Cap is free if tractor never got it upgraded before. They track by vehicle numbers. I laughed about recalls on 60+ year old tractors. Our Maisie got her new cap when we got new brakes put on. Not sure which number they used, she is a combination of 8N motor, 9N axles and 2N frame! Regardless, she is a terrific tractor for pulling the spreader daily. Husband added foot plates that make life a lot nicer than those foot pegs the 9N comes with! Benefit of another Utube video he watched.

Rear hydraulics are the main issue we ever had a problem with. There was the going up when NOT expected! Lever moved itself while driving, broke the female PTO head off the driveshaft rising so high. I have the lever tied down now to prevent it happening again. No need to lift or lower the hydraulics with the spreader. Tractor is strictly a towing machine these days. The other was failure of hydraulics to stay in place, in use. One old Ford would lose pressure OR suddenly lift unexpectedly. Sold that one! Just do pay attention to things when lifting to prevent being surprised.

We now have a lovely Kubota (Katy Kubota) with a loader, who does most of the needed jobs around the farm now. I told husband I HAD to have a tractor with loader to save my shoulders shoveling sawdust for stalls after the kids left. But I did many things with the Ford before we got Katy, was such a good worker for us. Taught the kids to drive on it!

Congrats on the new tractor, they do make work easier. I would pass on the dump bucket. We had one until I sold it. Very inefficient as a tool. Easier to move dirt quanties with the back blade. Rent a bobcat loader if you have big/huge dirt quanties to move. We did. Major time saver in getting a job finished in a timely manner.

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Yes no FEL. I’ll have to wait save and upgrade for that.

I’ll keep an eye out for weights. Though at this rate the grass will be well in prior to horses arriving so I’ll have plenty of time before needing to deal with hay.

How cute to have blue trim!

I’m hoping I’ll be saving myself back pains and time with this purchase!

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I’m not sure if the tires are weighted or not. I understand the whole radiator has been replaced. The hydraulics work pretty smoothly, but I’ll mention all three of these to Mr LS. He’s in charge of the mechanical stuff.

I’m not sure why he wants the scoop, but if he wants it he can have it.

I’ll still have the ability to borrow dad’s big tractor with FEL / grappler if needed.

I like that your tractors have names!

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Fergie! My dad’s name for the 20. The 35 doesn’t have a name…the 35 is probably going to be turned into a homebuilt snowplow/bulldozer this year, I mean it was built to plow after all!
It sounds like the vast majority of things that can be problems have already been fixed. And, yes, you can pretty much Youtube the issues. I will agree with another poster, the most common issue is an upward drift in the rear hydraulics. Manageable, but you have to pay attention to it.
Weight or no weight in the rear, you need to know that. You also need (I think you already get this) to pay attention to the fact that it is very easy to flip old tractors backwards.
Have fun, I really like the old tractors, even if my mechanical ability is zilch…

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Ours is Fergus,lol

Congrats on your happy day! Looks like your new to you tractor is in wonderful shape. Before long you won’t know how you got along without it.


The tractor is pretty much restored. I’d haul it to the local tractor shows in a heartbeat lol. Even the wires are perfectly in place! We are going to add a silly horn for our amusement.

It supposedly has a thingy that locks the back end in place so it doesn’t bounce around but we will be watching it for drift.

My dad gave me a cultivator that he no longer needs so we have something to play with other than the auger. I’m wondering if I can use it to lightly scratch at some of the areas that need to be seeded. Guess we’ll find out. I’m thankful that I’ll be able to expand my manure spreader search! Previously I’d been looking at spreaders small enough to be pulled by my golf cart.

We verified that our local TSC carries most of the common parts and Mr LS purchased the repair manual for it there as well. He got a kick out of that recalling his struggles to repair the 9N of his youth without a manual, much experience or the internet.

We got a bar thing with a ball hitch. Mr LS says he needs that as he wants to try pulling up some bushes with the tractor. I was a bit concerned but he claims he used the 9N to do similar work as a youngster. If it works that will be a blessing as there are a lot of bush things that have taken over the back corners of our property.

I’m pondering over names for it.

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Tractor names… our old 90 horse JD is known as “The Green Bastard from Points Unknown”- from Trailer Park Boys, in case you don’t know.


We set a couple of fence posts for the dog yard by hand. As in with post hole diggers. We are already relieved to not have to do much more of that! Between the tractor and my new man auger I’m hoping to avoid post hole diggers!

Pops brought his big tractor and did a line of post holes recently but there are some places where his tractor is too big to go, it’s just so tall!

I already can’t imagine not having our own tractor lol!



Lol too funny!

Our golf cart is named Lil Smokey. Cause it burns almost as much oil as gas lol

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