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Good 8' weighted split reins

This is so true. I rode big bodied QHs for years. Now I have shorter, narrower, upheaded horses…and reins I can’t bear to shorten and cannot use :cry:

Yes! When I moved from pleasure horses to reined cowhorse I did end up cutting down some of my reins. Just trimmed 6-12" off the bit end and punched new holes for the ties. Otherwise the ends were dragging on the ground…

I have about 30 sets of reins, and Cowperson Tack are the ones I recommend to others.

Cross J Tack might have heavy reins that you are looking for. I too have a pair of Dennis Moreland reins.

Thank you for all the suggestions! I ended up going with the Cowperson Tack reins. I talked to my trainer about several mentioned here, and she recommended the Cowperson Tack. They were also right in the middle price wise. I received them today, and they are amazing!


Glad you found something that works for you!

I wanted to add to this thread - I just got some Weaver ProTack 8’ reins and they are super nice (and pretty inexpensive. I got mine from Chewy). Nice weight and butter soft. I’d gotten a headstall for my 3-year-old and liked it so much I had to order the reins.

This is the headstall I got for him:

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My reins from Buckaroo Leather came yesterday. They’re really nice. I didn’t need new reins, btw. Oh well.


Ha! There are a heck of a lot of things horse related that I don’t really need but then I read a post about something or see a photo and suddenly I just gotta have it. Funny how that works on COTH, huh?