Good Ankle Support That Works With Tall Boots?

I’ve recently began riding again for the first time in 9 years after a severe ankle injury. I am finding my ankle wants to collapse or “bow out” (it feels like my foot is rolling in and ankle is “nut crackering”) at the trot. I need some sort of ankle support or taping method that I can wear with my tall boots.

Injury history:
June 2008: fracture w/ bone chips blocking joint, torn ligament (outside of ankle).
June 2008: surgery to remove bone chips.
February 2009: lateral ankle reconstruction.
May 2009: Ruptured extensor tendon and subsequent surgery
June 2010: Wound debridement after incision from 2009 never healed and was severely infected.
April 2016: Ruptured extensor tendon and subsequent surgery.
April-December 2016: Multiple severe staph infections.
December 2016: Wound debridement surgery
February 2017: Severe staph infection and wound debridement surgery.

I came across this and was wondering how much such may help?

Looks thin enough to fit in boots.

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I have had multiple ankle surgeries and now have a donor tendon in place of my peroneals on the left leg. I love RunForever compression socks that I get on Amazon. They work with tall boots. They are a bit of a struggle to get on, but once on, provide great support and they are moisture wicking so great in the summer too.

I wear a foot sleeve for chronic peroneal tendonitis. The easily fit in boots. Somewhat like the socks Cowgirl has. Check out foot/ankle sleeve on Amazon…there are a ton of them and I feel they do help with support.


I wear a foot sleeve for the same reason, Kyrabee

I had the same pain issue you’re having. The only thing that I found gave me enough support to not cause pain either during my 2-3 hour ride on cross country(or after the ride once the boots came off), was to tape them while at a 90* angle with sports take(or hockey tape). There are flexible taping products that you can use like K tape but it’s too flexible and is of no good to support more severe injuries. Braces unfortunately are to big to fit in a boot, but sports take like hockey tape was absolutely perfect and inexpensive every time I rode.