Good Books for Training Greenies?

So I’ve been looking for some good books on training green horses and didn’t find anything that looked all that great.

I just moved my horse up to school with me and I do have a trainer, though I can only get lessons every once in a while because both of our schedules are very busy.

If you guys have any good book suggestions for bringing along green horses, that would be great!

I think this is a good one:

Paul Cronin’s Schooling and Riding The Sport Horse

It is rather dry in terms of the writing style, but very detailed and systematic in terms of a training program.

Schooling and Riding the Sport Horse is a good one, as is Mary Rose’s Training Your Own Horse (that one is out of print now, but you can find used copies)

“Schooling your Horse” by Vladamir S. Littaur which may be out of print, but you could get a library to borrow it for you. Still available on Amazon

Best book out there!

Thank you so much for the help guys! I will definitely look at all of those! It surprises me that its so hard to find a good book on training young horses. It seems like theres an opening. Someone needs to get on that!