Good exercises for hip issues?

Hi all!

I need help from horsey people who’ve been through this. I’m just not recovering from my hip issues like I want…I’ve had one surgery and will likely need more, and in the meantime I’m really struggling to get back into riding shape.

I’ve had hip problems for many years and apparently the surgery has affected the way I walk, run, and ride. My riding form is still terrible, it feels like I’ve never ridden before! Anybody who has ridden after hip problems have any good exercises that helped you? Trying to come back by riding alone isn’t really working, especially on a hot OTTB who can’t figure out what the hell happened to his owner :lol:

Try sitting on a balance ball and bouncing your seat. It’s more of a challenge than it seems:eek:

Hi, Jexa. I started a thread about this:

It has some good suggestions from various people. For me, the best exercises have been Pilates leg circles and work on the reformer. Anything that will help you stretch your hip flexors and piriformis, and then stabilize your hip in the joint will help you ride.

I feel the same way about riding–I know people watch me try to canter and think, gee, how long has that gal been riding and she still can’t sit the canter?

I could before I started having hip problems. The solution for me has been to get a different saddle (switching from dressage to close contact) and to get up and out of it as much as possible. There is a woman at our barn who is still riding in her 80’s, but you almost never see her sit on her horse. Two point is your friend.

Good luck.

When I broke my hip(riding accident) and had three screws to hold it together, I was on crutches for 3 months. A few weeks before I was going to be released to walk without crutches, I started water aerobics at my local YMCA. They had handicapped pool access, so I would crutch/hobble my way to the ramp. Then put down my crutches and hold the rails to descend into the pool. At first I was very weak and of course could not put weight on my injured leg. After I got the release from my doctor, I just gradually increased what I could do. The bouyancy of the water helped and I got my strength and flexibilty back in a few months.