Good grief, does the stupidity ever end?

Horse found in landfill near Moutainteer Park still had run downs on. I’d think Valley Proteins would be under contract or something to remove bodies.…inia-landfill/

Official response in part:

"The horse was then vanned off and euthanized by a second State Veterinarian off track. From conversations with Mountaineer Park management, it is the understanding of the Racing Commission that Mountaineer Park has an arrangement for the disposal of horse remains and the specific manner in which the disposal is to occur does not appear to have been followed in this case. With that said, the Racing Commission does not have any specific regulation that directs our racetracks to dispose of horse remains in any specific manner. However, the Racing Commission desires that all equine athletes that compete on our racetracks whose racing lives have come to an end are treated in a dignified and humane manner. During the 2019 Legislative Session, the West Virginia Racing Commission was successful in getting legislation passed to give it funds to conduct necropsies on horses that die or that are euthanized on our racetracks. Going forward, as we are able to implement a plan to utilize those funds, deceased horses will be transported to qualified necropsy facilities for a necropsy. Thereafter, the facility will be responsible for the humane and respectful disposition of the remains."

This is not saying a word about the danger to raptors and other wildlife who might start to feed on the euthanized (chemically I would suppose) carcass. Really bad form all around, but the threat of poisoning to any animals that might be tempted to feed on the horse is very, very real.

It sounds like a PETA set up:

There was someone waiting at the landfill, the truck–which was the wrong truck-- was directed to the wrong part of the landfill instead of the freshly dug hole and the person who photographed was careful not to identify any of the people involved.

It raises a pertinent question about the disposal of horse remains but the way it did it was classic propaganda.


PETA has never cared about animals. They are the ones that engineered this.


It’s legal in WV to send livestock carcasses to the landfill, except for pigs which die of cholera.

So you’re saying a PETA member was at the gate, instead of the landfill staff?

And then the PETA member, posing as a landfill gate agent, directed the driver to an unapproved dump area, where yet another PETA member was waiting, camera in hand?

Landfill does not give access to the premises like that. (as a matter of fact, PETA went there the next day and were denied entrance. That’s the way it works at landfills.)

So you’re saying the ENTIRE staff at the landfill was on dinner break or something?

Playing the PETA card every time a distasteful and/or incompetent practice occurs in racing isn’t going to keep on working.

Disposal at landfill is usually carried out in a certain manner, hole is dug in special area, then horse is dropped in and covered.

There are not horses, dogs, or anything else laying on top of the ground at any landfilils…you can hire a small plane and fly over a few of them and see for yourself.

“[I]Moore (executive director of the West Virginia Racing Commission) said that the commission does not presently have any rules or regulations regarding the proper disposal of horse carcasses.”




I’m not just playing the PETA card. From bottom to top, this disposal was unusual. Wrong truck going to the wrong place and a person just happened to be waiting at the wrong place with a cellphone camera as the poor mare gets dumped with the furniture. PETA supposedly is not involved but the next day, they go to the landfill and ask for access.

Why? Do they do that every time a horse breaks down and is sent to the landfill?

Of course they do…they weren’t involved at all.



I am thinking probably tipped off by whistleblower from w/in Mountaineer, who probably wasn’t happy that Mountaineer was dragging it’s feet on putting into practice a proper necropsy program, which had already been funded earlier in the year by the state.(and/or OTHER STUFF).

This mare still had racing bandages on. Boy, that sure shows respect and care doesn’t it? So not only was horse dumped in wrong place but nobody bothered to take off her racing bandages at the backside (guess that’s PETAs fault too).

It sure doesn’t help that Burton Sipp’s horses are still being pulled out of a kill pens, that horses like Sophie Got Even made her first start since June 2014 in a $4,000 claiming event at Mountaineer (she was purchased as a broodmare 5 years ago), or that on October 14 at Mountaineer, a 9 year old mare Little Red Diamond made her 4th start of 2019. Prior to her first race of 2019, on August 21, she had not been seen at the races since October 22, 2014.

Tracks that don’t have their stuff in order and those who make excuses for them doesn’t seem like the way to ensure that horses are treated right, nor will honest hard working people in the industry gain the respect they deserve unless there is a willlingness to get rid of the bad actors.

Just don’t expect people who love the sport, and/or the good people who work in it, to ignore stuff…because that is not going to happen, whether PETA exists or not. Racing has put the bullseye on their own backs, and have nobody to blame but themselves in many cases.

If as the exec director says that presently they don’t have any rules or regulations regarding the proper disposal of horse carcasses, this is certainly part of their problem.


The track is not required to have a rule or regulation regarding disposal of euthanized horses, but it does have to follow state rules and regulations regarding the disposal of carcasses. If you read the link in post 3, the track does have a standard procedure and somehow that went awry.


Like I said, this would be only a small part of their problem anyway.