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Good Hay Supplier for Southern NJ?

I may need to find a new hay supplier to deliver to Medford NJ.

I had been getting NY timothy/orchard mix for $5.75 per 40#-45# bale and would like to stay near that price range. The hay was nice quality and I want to stay with good quality hay. I’ve had a hard time finding someone local who can keep me supplied with quality hay throughout the year.

I have room for anywhere between 200 and 550 bales. I can assist with unloading and stacking but it would be nice if the delivery person could also help as I’m not getting any younger!

If anyone has any hay available or knows of any reputable brokers they could recommend, please let me know. I have a small farm with 5 horses, and I average 55-60 bales/month.

Stern Farms in Allentown NJ is good :slight_smile:

Thank you!!!