Good Hunter Coach? (Southern Ontario)

I’m looking for recommendations for an experienced, detailed oriented hunter coach who also has a nice friendly demeanour.
Novice rider here so looking for a schooling coach and will be using school horses.
Specifically for northern GTA area. Caledon/Bolton/Newmarket/Pickering
I would prefer a hunter coach who has a strong foundation in dressage.
My goal is to improve my seat and get the basics right.
feel free to pm me if you prefer :slight_smile:

Sent you a PM.

I audited a Tim Grosse clinic yesterday. He’s a coach on the CE Trillium Circuit from Oshawa. Maybe a bit of a drive for you.

Really, really liked his coaching style!

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I second Tim Grosse, very nice guy and great with all types of horses and riders.

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would he teach a beginner (wt but no canter)? that’s been an issue for me…i get referrals for good trainers but when i speak to them they say they only teach advanced. sigh.

I’ve had a lot of incidents happen to be in my short time of riding…bucked off, seen my coach get kicked in the face etc and i’m a bit scared to continue…i wish i could find a good coach who could teach me about horse body language, and safety so that i can get my confidence back. would hate to quit this sport as i love the way i feel around horses.

Tim would be great. Very patient. I’ve seen him work with real beginners and he is wonderful for instilling basics and confidence.

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does he have a website? I can’t seem to find his info online.

He does clinics at Railside View Equestrian Centre in Dutton. If you contact them, they should be able to put you in touch with him. Good luck! Hope it works out for you.

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Tim would be great. He is very supportive of riders at all levels. I am currently leasing one of his horses, not riding with him. Too far away, but even by distance he is very supportive. His horse has me back jumping again confidently. Didn’t think that would happen.

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That’s wonderful! I’m glad he was able to help you out. Having so many people speak highly of him makes me feel hopeful. Been hard to find him but I will keep looking for his contact info :slight_smile:

He’s on facebook.

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I had actually asked that while I was at the clinic and the answer was “absolutely”

I’m also at that stage as I’m bringing along a youngster

That’s great! Are you going to take lessons from him?

I think his next clinic is near Ottawa next weekend. I’m tempted to go and watch.

I ended up reaching out to him through FB. He replied asking me where me and my horse were…I let him know i dont have one (yet) and needed a schooling one. He hasn’t gotten back to me yet. Hopefully this doesn’t mean it’s a no :frowning:

I’m willing to drive out to Oshawa to work with him, even though Sunnybrook is right by my house. It’s cause I know how important having a good trainer is. Never met him but if so many people speak highly of him, it must be true.

I’m in the process of relocating. If he will come to me or I can ship to him, it’s very possible because I quite like his coaching style

So Tim doesn’t have any beginner school horses. He said everyone he teaches has their own horse or leases.
Back at square one I guess…