Very helpful suggestions. For right now really because of cost and because I know it works I ordered the saddle I was already riding except now it’ll be new. It’s treeless which he seems to like and it’s very padded and squishy for me. At the horse expo I went to on Sat I also bought a merino sheepskin seat cover to see if that helps add some squishyness too.
My chiro looked at the results confirmed pretty much what I had googled and we talked about long term options. He also supports PT/strengthening. He said the more chiro the better because it’ll keep me from getting locked up. Making sure my work seat and most places I sit are soft because hard will be more pressure on that disk. He did some slightly different adjustments that really actually helped. He said I should consider surgery as my last possible option.
I also met with the ortho Dr who is really kinda useless my friend is going to get me the name of the guy she went too who she really liked. He pulled up the images and talked me though it. There’s a clear bulge right in the center of that disc. It’s also basically black which shows no fluid but the disc height is good. He was pretty much like you can try another injection or do a nerve study and see a surgeon and see what they say. I had to bring up PT which he agreed too and wrote me an order for. I am going to do the injection just to see if knocking down the inflammation right before PT helps but this time I get pre-meds instead of doing it with absolutely nothing. I also know I have to take a few days off work. I asked about pain meds and he prescribed flexeril a muscle relaxer to help.
I’m going to do my best to try all other options before thinking about surgery. I’ve also done a nerve study before and this pain would have to be 2-3x as bad to get me to voluntarily walk into an office to do that test.
I’ll def look for an acupuncturist which I think I should be able to get some of covered by insurance. I’m not great with needles so starting with someone who is very trained should be my first step.