Hey Y’all,
I would like to do a 15 mile maybe? Endurance ride on my OTTB. He’s hunted 2 years-1 in the hill toppers and last year 2nd flight (walk, trot, canter, some gallops). We do go around 15 miles most hunts and more than that occasionally, so I think he’d be fine with that distance, he’s ok with the group, etc.
Where would I find a list of nearby endurance rides? And do y’all know any good ones?
We’ve gone trail riding for 2 weekends in May, 11+ miles and I was pleased at his attitude. I do think a real endurance ride would be more like hunting so he might get wound up a bit. But so far he’s been really good.
Of course I am competing to finish and learn-certainly no thought of being competitive!!!
Thanks very much for any help and advice.