Google dermoid cyst

I’ve been dying to ask this, so I will. My daughter just had one removed from her ovary - it had a large clump of hair, and two very large teeth!
Freaked me out.

I’ve seen pictures on line. I guess horses get them too? Very freaky things. They can have eyes, too. That just seems very wrong.


I don’t have any experience with them personally but a podcast I used to listen to that had people tell stories about their lives did an episode on it a while ago. This woman’s young teen daughter suddenly started acting bizarre and became suicidal out of the blue. She had a number of other disturbing symptoms and they lived in hell for a year trying to constantly monitor her so she wouldn’t kill herself. No amount of therapy or drugs helped as the girl had no idea why she wanted to kill herself.

She started having severe abdominal pain, thought it was appendicitis, doctors took a look and found a dermoid cyst. Hers had also grown hair and teeth and was affecting this girl’s brain as it was overruling her natural hormones. It was removed and she was back to normal in days.

I then made the mistake of looking them up online. :eek:

Ooooohhhhh, now having read these, I get to the “should I, or shouldn’t I Google” point…

Are they related to “ear teeth” in horses? Guess I have to go look.

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My daughter is fine and doing well - the doctor also said that although he had to remove the ovary, her other one is fine and healthy and should not pose a problem having children. Teeny little 1" scar.

Certainly the weirdest thing I ever heard of - spooky, especially the one with an eye! The doctor even asked the nurses to come and take a look at it!

I had one removed when I was about 19! Back in those days they didn’t do it laparoscopically, so I had to have the incision through by abdomen… Had it done during Christmas break in December. Doctor said the same thing, bits of hair, teeth etc. Lovely. Glad to be rid of it!

Yep, I had one removed in 2001. I remembered reading an old Equus about a “Horse with teeth in it’s ear” and knew what it was. Freaky! I used to say that my body was so incredibly fertile that it tried to make a kid all by itself :smiley: