This morning, I was talking to a very trusted, very experienced professional about ulcer treatment.
In her opinion, UlcerGard/GastroGard aren’t the best ulcer treatment choice. It inhibits the production of acid for a while, but then it comes raging back (rebound effect) once you stop the Omeprazole. I knew this already, but I thought a product like GutX or Visceral could curb rebound effect. She said no, not entirely.
Instead, she treats exclusively with Sucralfate. When a horse in her barn is diagnosed with ulcers, it goes right on a treatment dose of Sucralfate 3x/day. Her most ulcer-prone horses live on a maintenance dose of Sucralfate. She also feels strongly about the horses living on Succeed. She thinks, with this approach, their gut maintains an environment that is more ulcer-resistant in the long term.
Now please don’t flame me if you disagree, because I don’t have an opinion here. I’m just trying to learn. But I know there are a lot of very knowledgeable COTHers and I’d like to hear your take.