Got some interesting test results today.. arthritis in back

Had some back pain for over a year now and after an X-ray:
Arthritis. Not totally unexpected (mom and sis got back problems)
PCP wants me to get bone density scan: thinks my bones are thinner than they should be.
She wants me to consider a brace. (Shoulders are slumping ,)

Got a script for pain meds and I will start taking calcium.

Any other suggestions? It would be nice to be pain free again.
It hurts to stand for any length of time. Hurts when I ride but not to the point where I can’t.

Really feel tne pain after I ride because it is so difficult almost impossible to keep my shoulders back. Ive been working on my core and I can feel that is stronger.

Will this help with my back?

Thanks for reading.

Core strengthening physical therapy

I have severe arthritis in my lower back (well actually, all over). Lots of bone spurs etc. There for awhile I’d ride or do some exercise and be fine while doing the activity…but be so stiff afterwards that I couldn’t stand up straight. It was like my back was “hung up”…especially when I tried to get up after I’d sat down for 30-40 minutes.

Ortho prescribed anti-inflammatory meds and physical therapy. PT consisted of ultra sound, to aid in relieving the inflammation and core strengthening exercises. At one point I was sitting on a balance ball with each foot on a different ball balancing while the therapist threw a ball for me to catch and throw back. It got to be a game to them to come up with things to try and get me off balanced! They got very creative!! :lol: They were amazed at how much horseback riding had helped me to be able to balance.

But my point is that the exercises I did with them really helped my core, and between them all, that “hung up” feeling went away. All of that really helped my riding too.

I still have some back issues, the arthritis isn’t going away…but when it starts heading back towards that “hung up” type feeling I increase the core exercises, do Epsom salts baths and hot packs to relax the muscles. So, yes, strengthening cor should help your back, or at least it did for me.

Bone density sounds like a good idea. They are fast and very painless. If your bone density isn’t what it should be, address that as it puts you at risk for many things :frowning:

Upper back? Lower back? Why the shoulder slump? Approx age?

I am taking extra calcium and may be getting a brace.
Middle of the back.
PCP said x-ray shows no compression. Space between discs okay. Said it looks like arthritis. And bone looks thinner than she would like.
Mid 50’s .
Not sure why the shoulder slump.

Thanks for your reply.

I would suggest adding Vit.-D.

I often ride and drive home from the barn with one of those soft, squishy, ice packs on my back. T-Back, or racer back bras will hold the ice pack between shoulder blades.

Already on D.
Ice pack sounds good. Especially with the summer heat.

You need some good postural exercises to go along with your core strengthening. You say “middle of the back”, as in your thoracic spine area?

Google “doorway stretch”, “cat and camel” and even standing against a wall and standing more straight up with your shoulders and head against the wall, starting with 15 or so seconds for 10 reps, since your muscle endurance for this may be short, work your way up. Being more aware of your posture throughout the day, if you feel yourself slouching, correct yourself.

Do you work at a computer? Make your desk more ergonomic with keyboard and screen placement.

I’ve taken Diclofenac for my lower back arthritis, I swear it makes me feel 10 years younger, but I have the side effect of hand swelling, which is horrible and made me feel like my wedding ring was going to cut my finger off. :o