Gotta Find a Way to Be With Horses

Just seems impossible.

I tried volunteering last year, but that didn’t last. Found I could not do enough to be of any real help, and then lost my transportation.

There are two therapy barns within 5 miles of where I live, but one only needs strong and athletic volunteers (doesn’t need any help grooming, feeding, or cleaning tack), and the other really needs the same sort of help.

I wish I qualified for their riding/horse therapeutic programs but I don’t. You have to get a doctor’s approval and I can’t afford a doctor.

Oh, well, just a vent, really … I was reading a great thread in the Driving forum about a woman who drives her mini now, no longer being able to ride, and I am glad she is able to do that, and just started wishing again that I could have access to a horse too sometimes …

Mostly just miss my former riding friends and Blaze the wonderhorse … and Blue the very mature 3yo (now coming 6) and Patch the other wonderhorse …


So sorry things haven’t worked out for you. I have a feeling you live nowhere near me (I’m 20 miles outside of Denver) or I’d offer to take you out driving.


Could you please tell us what state you live in? That might help. Thanks!


Thanks for the thought, Rebecca.

Just seems impossible.

I tried volunteering last year, but that didn’t last. Found I could not do enough to be of any real help, and then lost my transportation.

There are two therapy barns within 5 miles of where I live, but one only needs strong and athletic volunteers (doesn’t need any help grooming, feeding, or cleaning tack), and the other really needs the same sort of help.


I think they could make room for you to groom 1 or 2 horses. its possibly a clicky thing too.
I joined the local save a pet that is tied into the town shelter; I showed up to play with the cats and was told of ALL the times volunteers are there. so I got warned off.

come to find out, there were times no on was there playing with the cats! hmmmmm???

good luck finding something horsey!

What does the doctor need to provide? I may be able to help you.

Thanks, Zuri. I will try to find out and will get back to you.

look up the American Driving Society and look for local clubs to see if there is one near you

many drivers are often looking for someone to drive with them during their training
if you have mobility issues you would need to let them know that working on hazard/obstacles would NOT be where YOU need to be

you would be of little help if something went wrong

but drivers often need someone to just add weight to the carriage during miles training or even dressage training

you could pay back by helping to clean harness and even grooming horses - I know OUR barn Owner (a drive) would love this kind of regular help - the ride with me as much as harness cleaning - she is always too busy working her regular jobs.

You could try calling club officers or even see if they have some kind of newsletter where you could place an ad

Thanks. I will check that out!

You might also look into volunteering at a retirement farm or rescue, or even with a pony club or lesson type barn that specializes in beginners. I know that PC in particular is frequently in need of adults with some horse knowledge to supervise/ judge horse management etc.

The doctor’s permission required by most programs simply states that you are at no greater risk than anyone else for the inherently dangerous activity of riding horses. I hope you can find someone to provide this simple recommendation/permission for you.

I can understand your frustration my friend. I can’t afford my own horse and, though I have a lot of experience working with and teaching disabled riders, because am disabled myself and use a service dog, I can’t volunteer with the local therapeutic centers. I hope you find a way to be around the four-legged miracle workers somehow. Maybe you could post an ad in a local paper, at local barns, etc offering to groom for free? There’s been some other great suggestions made here. Let us know if some of them work?

I second the driving club idea. I volunteered at a driving event as vet assistant and it was a really fun time. These people are not too hot shot, very nice people who love their horses who ranged from magnificent Friesians to Sarah the donkey who completed at a flat out walk, much to many people’s amusement. There were minis, too, and everything in between.

The thing with this group is that they are all horse lovers - and adults - and many have been in the horse world as horse parents, show grooms, etc. and now it is their time to come into their own…there is lots of help needed, from tacking up, adding weight, cleaning tack, manning obstacles, doing entry paperwork, selling coffee/donuts, meetings, ribbons, sponsorship…you name it.

You would find lots to do and be welcome.

Never mind :frowning: