I currently own a GPA First Lady helmet despite the fact that Dover Saddlery didn’t fit me right.
After purchasing the helmet in the correct size I didn’t realize until my trainer said something that the helmet isn’t the best fit for my head shape. I can stick a finger or two up both sides (left and right) of my helmet but it fits snugly to my forehead and back of my head with my hair up.
I do really love my First Lady Helmet because of it’s sleekness and the way it looks but I’m having second thoughts because of the fit and my safety.
If i were to replace it, I was looking at the Samshield which has the same material as the GPA’s.
Do you think Dover would take the helmet back?
Can anybody tell me how they like the Samshield’s and what the fit is like?
Also how vented are they in the summer?
Do you think I should return my helmet in exchange for a Samshield?[/QUOTE]
First off, sleek is not a word I would every associate with the first lady! :lol:
In answer to your questions…
If you have worn it I doubt Dover would take the helmet back. They have no way of knowing what your head shape is. And even if they did, you came in with a specific product you wanted and they gave it to you (as opposed to asking their advice on which helmet brand would fit your head best.) I’m assuming you ordered online since it sounds like you couldn’t try the sizes on first.
I love my Samshield and find them to be less round than the GPAs but more round than the Charles Owen. It sounds like you need something more oval shaped, so a Samshield might work. I would try not just that, but a few different brands and see what you like. They don’t look at all vented but they are the coolest helmet I have worn. They have an indent in the front so there is no contact with your forehead and the air flows through the helmet and keeps your head cool.
I think if your helmet is returnable and you find something that fits you better, than of course you should go for it. It sounds like you had this idea of the First Lady in mind based on looks and went for it without trying it or anything else on. Definitely not the best way to go about helmet shopping. Is there no tack store near you where you can try on a bunch of different helmets?
As an aside, I am not fond of the First Ladys for any head shape because I have seen them come off of rider’s heads numerous times and dangle around their necks by the chin strap. Very scary!