GPSpecial- Charlotte D. Looking for video

please post link or PM if you have it for the Special. I have the GP.


This person has been posting videos; I keep trolling the page to see if more of today’s are posted.


It’s damned inconvenient - she asks for piaffe when a horse is taking a dump !

Thank you!

Theres a whole bunch on that channel;

It’s worth looking at the fabulous tactful ride Carl had on an inexperienced horse. He’s never done a freestyle !


Glad you guys found the channel. I have also uploaded the full replays on another site. I won’t post the links on the open forum as I don’t want the videos to be flagged and taken down. PM if you want links. I have everything except Day 1 morning session and Day2 Block4 is messed up.

EDIT: GPS is loading now but will take aprox 3 hrs

Thanks NorCal!

Awesome, NorCal!

Love the youtube channel that is posted here…I’ve also been trolling it! :smiley: