Grande Saber offspring or any horses bred at Tellwynd and their aged dams

It’s approaching 30 years in my warmblood breeding program. I’m looking for a number of horses by Grande Saber or any horses related to his line.

Since there has been no credible record keeping in the US…I would like to compile long lost breeding and performance records.

If you have a “Grande” in your bloodlines…I may have photos of your horses or their relatives. I am currently scanning all my old photos. Horses may have been bred by my customers all over the US.

Any leads would be appreciated. There are a few other stallions using Grande in their names…my goal is to locate records from any source. I will pass any info on to other Grande owners.

[COLOR=red]The MARES…my Special Girls!!! Also I want to locate aging mares [/COLOR]used in my program. Given the state of the economy, I would like to insure they are given good care in their old age. I owe it to them!!

Contact me at

Many Thanks,

Joan Watt

Formerly Tellwynd Farm
Lancaster, PA

Thank you for the response…

I found a few with the help of COTHers. I am still looking for any of the horses I bred at Tellwynd in Lancaster, PA from 1980- 2002. Please let me know if you have the location of any horses believed to have been by Saber or bred by or owned by Joan Watt at Tellwynd.

Grande Saber brothers:
Aktell (West)
[B]Goldstorm /B
Grande Saber sisters :
In the Wings
Illusion (KWPN)by Roemer

Grande Saber offspring:

Grande Flirt and Grande Wink out of the immortal hunter mare Royal Flirt.

Grande Phoenix
and Grande Icon were shown in NC…need owner updates as well as any name changes. [B]

Grande Sonata[/B] is in eastern PA need owner info on her too!

Looking for the bay KWPN mare Moonstruck by Consul. Started u/s at Dancing Star Farm in PA years ago!
Absent Art out of Illusion by Art Deco

FINDS & News!!![INDENT]Grande Levi out of my Pilot mare Parisenne is now standing stud at Hunter’s Peak owned by Jill Johnson. Congrats on the purchase of this incredibly bred G-line stallion!
Looking for Grande Luc out of Parisenne too

Grande Desire is the 2010 PHSA Broodmare Champion and her 2009 filly Couture du Jour is the 2010 PA Bred Filly Champ.

2010 Oldenburg NA Grande Prix Dressage Champion - Grande Celeste - retired sound in WPB this winter… she was my dressage test foal for Grande Saber out of FlemmingH full sister Zenobia…congrats to owner/trainer/life partner… Terry Seiss

[/INDENT]Since the USEF records stop less than 10 years ago and many horses have lost their identity with name/owner changes … any leads are welcome. I am trying to reconstruct records for the Grande Saber line. Contact me at
Joan Watt