GRAPHIC PIC warning - Horse sliced neck open

Lacerations and injuries in the mouth generally heal really, really well though, so perhaps the saliva won’t actually impede healing as much as it seems like it could? At least it is “clean” saliva, and not goo with feed particles.

I am a little surprised that a drain wasn’t left in situ to prevent a pocket from forming in there, but this is just an observation from an armchair quarterback, and I’m sure the vet on scene has a better handle on the situation :wink:

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Hope it heals up well .

Did he have head access to the backside of a gate hanging bolt? If the bolt sticks out a bit on the opposite side of the gate post, it can be a hazard for the 1% (ie 99% will never go near it or rub on it etc)

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UPDATE - Vet just came out for the second bandage change. She said it looks great. They gave him various types of food and observed he is creating proper amounts of saliva for eating, so he’s back on soaked hay which he’s very happy about. It was determined the best course of action is to just continue to let it drain as it has been rather than been inserting a tube since it would interfere with the natural healing process. We just need to monitor for any sign of fever or anything coming out other than clear saliva. It’s a best case scenario. Phew.

As for how he did it, no idea, don’t really care. It’s done. He won’t be in that same paddock going forward, so hopefully he finds no more creative ways to scare the crap out of me.


WOW… I haven’t seen anything go through like that. Well… I did see a horse lay it’s hip open almost to the bone, muscle hanging and all, so picture something about 4 or 5 times the size of this, but mostly muscle, no glands.

It looks like your vet did a great job so far. Jingles for a smooth recovery.