GRAPHIC PIC warning - Horse sliced neck open

So my horse managed to filet his neck open. No idea how he did it. Regardless, the salivary gland was affected and there is a lot of saliva coming out of the wound. I was just curious if anyone has experienced this type of thing and how it turned out. Will the salivary gland heal itself? Die off? Become infected? He is on antibiotics but am just trying to determine what type of time line and outcome I can expect. His spirits are great and he’s eating mush until the vet determines he can move onto solids.


Omg! Poor baby! No experience to share but big jingles headed your way

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Oh ! My ! Jingles & AO !!

I am so sorry about your gelding ~

WOW!! What an epic injury, your vet did a great job cleaning that up. I have zero experience with your question but I will be jingling for a speedy recovery for your boy.


We had one years ago who had a deep slice into her chest cavity just to the inside of the point of her shoulder. I imagine it could have been fatal if it had been anymore to the inside. We never knew how it happened but suspected the person running the manure spreader cut through her field as a short cut and skewered her somehow when no one was home. She healed beautifully with no problems. I hope this helps.

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No experience with such an injury, but naturally I saw “GRAPHIC PIC warning” and couldn’t click fast enough. LOL!

The vet did a great job and I bet he heals up pretty quickly.

I hope you can figure out how he did it, just to hopefully eliminate the chance of it happening again. Horses, though…ugh. They are so creative in finding ways to nearly kill themselves.


Yikes! Also no experience with this, but adding jingles for your boy.

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Adding more Jingles! (Which I know does not give you any answers.)

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Wow, hope that helps well!


Wow! I hope he continues to do well and heals quickly!

Your vet did an awesome job!

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no experience with such an injury is tons of years around horses. This is Vet school level question

Yeah I’ve been googling it for hours and can’t find anything similar. What can I say…my guy likes to be original. :slightly_smiling_face:


Holy cow!! How traumatic for you and your horse! Great work by your vet and I’m glad he’s on the mend.

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The poor guy. Nice job of stitching. So happy he’s eating and content. No experience with a wound in this location. Just sending jingles for uncomplicated healing for your boy and hugs to you. :kissing_heart:

I can’t imagine this will heal correctly with saliva foaming out of it. I’d get a call into your vet stat - from what I understand the horse has 2 (or 3) salivary glands, perhaps the one impacted can be removed with little other impact?


YIKES!!! Lots of jingles from here! Dude, whatever you did, DON’T do it again! But I agree, that is original. :adhesive_bandage: :adhesive_bandage: :adhesive_bandage:

Does he like to scratch? I wonder if he caught an old mail on a post somewhere.

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Sending jingles for a speedy recovery.

OUCH ! Vet did a good job. Any idea what he did?

My thought too. Or (literally) stuck his nose somewhere it didn’t belong and got trapped, panicked, and pulled back harder.