If the horse is only doing 25mph, he is not a “fast” racker. Husband shod Speed Rackers for a Trail Rider and his wife, who bought and then resold their horses to other Trail Riders. Husband was supposed to “work his magic” to get each horse faster, usually worked out well. Husband came up behind the guy headed towards his farm, then they proceeded to race down the road. Horse was doing 35mph, which husband told the man after arriving at the farm. New horse, needed new shoes. Husband said horse was unbalanced, wearing keg shoes, said he bet that horse could go LOTS faster with proper shoes! Man thought horse had topped out at 35mph, so they bet shoeing price on horse going faster. The wife rode the reshod horse, liked going fast! Husband drove beside her for the test run. She got horse up to 40mph! Husband went back to collect his pay. Then wife kept that horse because he could go faster than husband’s horses!! Ha ha
The couple evidently had a lot of fun riding fast as a pair on the State trails, passing other gaited horse riders. The gaited horse folks like to be cool, ride together a bit, then both start gaiting faster with the “slow horse” getting left behind. It can be a real competition, with riders slouched in the saddle, looking like NOTHING is going on, while horses are past you before you can blink! I always think they should say “Do you have any Grey Poupon?” with a straight face, before blasting off. Ha ha