On April 18th, early in the morning, two of our horses disappeared in Ortonville, Michigan. The people responsible for stealing them broke down our fencing and loaded them in the street.
Ripley (or may go by the name of Skylar now) is a 17 h gray dapple thoroughbred. She’s approximately 5 years old and according to her former owner has soundness issues. However, she might have been sold under the false pretenses as being a hunter/jumper candidate.
Claudia is a 11.2 h blond chestnut welsh-cross with a stripe and a white snip on her nose. She is also 5 years old and is extremely fuzzy with the remainder of her winter coat.
It is believed they may have crossed the state boarder and are headed down south to Texas or Kentucky. Pictures are available upon request as I cannot post pictures on here, for some reason. There is a reward being offered to whomever makes a positive ID. Please notify me through here with any information or call 810-869-5476. Thanks again!