Grazing muzzles - please help šŸ˜¢

They now have a ā€œdietā€ insert that makes the holes smaller.

Agreed, I think a good application of this net muzzle would be if one horse in a field needed to slow down with hay consumption and the rest of the horses could use unrestricted access. Like instead of putting a hay net on an entire bale. For a horse out on grass I donā€™t think it would slow them down at all. At least not my horse lol.

True, but their YouTube on doing the same thing with duct tape canā€™t be beat for ease and budget considerations

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I tried the duct tape thing and my horse chewed through it in a day. But also before I bought the insert I did make the holes smaller with a strip of biothane and two chicago screws and it worked amazingly. They had a tutorial on that too.

Interesting, I have a fjord so nobody can accuse me of having an equine who isnā€™t dedicated to the pursuit of grassā€¦ I only had to replace the gorilla tape adjustment like two or three times over the summer. But 45 days into the leather soft insert, itā€™s gone! :rofl:

Proving once again that every horse is his own special little unicorn in our lives :rofl::rofl::rofl:


First, my equine has insulin resistance and cushings so grass is just a no-no. Iā€™m using the grazing muzzle when she out on my dry lot which does have crab grass and weeds that I plan to plow under this week.

I observed her eating in the dry lot today. The Sweet Net absolutely prevents her from getting huge mouthfuls of whatā€™s growing up from the ground. She can nibble what isnā€™t flattened down by her nose as she grazes. She walked up to the round bale which has a net over it and gave up trying to eat netted hay with her muzzled nose. I call that a win plus the emotional and mental health benefit of being out of a run.

She has had zero work since Friday a week ago so with just austere diet control she has dropped 15 pounds. She is 12.2 hands tall and weighed 729 on the vet clinic scales 11 days ago.

Hopes this helps some!


Can you describe your daily management of her? If she canā€™t get to the netted hay, and she canā€™t really graze, do you lock her up for periods and remove the muzzle?

She restricted to her stall and 30ā€™ run without the muzzle all of the time unless she is turned out with the grazing muzzle on. The sooner I can get the dry lot closer to a cement parking lot, the sooner her turn out time gets longer. Itā€™s Pouring rain now so no plowing it under today. The producer of the muzzle states to not leave it on more than 10/12 hours at a time.

I weigh her hay rations. She wonā€™t touch soaked hay so thatā€™s going to require purchasing hay tested to be low in sugar.

I am 100% overwhelmed with figuring out to manage her new habitat requirements here at home.


Same here. I thought the leather insert would be the answer to my prayersā€“easy on the teeth and holes were just the right size. Nope. My horse chewed right through it in less than 2 months.

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The one I bought is rubber! The leather one was never available in Canada I donā€™t think. Honestly, I havenā€™t actually tried it yet but I think it will work well. If not I will go back to my biothane/chicago screw arrangement lol.

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This is our latest adventure in slowing down a metabolic horse. Green guard with 1 3/4 inch Hay Chix bag. I was at the farm all day yesterday auditing a clinic and it took him the better part of the morning to get though 7lbs of soaked hay with that set up. Thereā€™s a little bit of green he can get under the fence like so I wanted to restrict that. I may keep him in it just so it slows him down that much more. The 1 inch bag and the muzzle was too restrictive.

:grin: Thanks
Heā€™s 100% Ponytude.
Nobody told him 34" isnā€™t the same as 18h :expressionless:
But he does earn his keep :sunglasses:


Complete Ponytude vibes!! :raised_hands:

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I have 2 of them but they are too restrictive because of the added thickness even short grass is especially minimized. I took them out and just put the muzzles on for a longer time since they are out 24/7.

They also add weight and my 2 were visibly annoyed.

I tried these and Iā€™ve never seen my boys so mad. I got creative with gorilla tape this week and so far, so good. Probably have to replace the tape (and least for one horse) every few weeks, but thatā€™s easy enough.


I watched my mare in it a bit yesterday. It seemed she stayed in the same spot for a bit with the Swwet Net muzzle, which to me meant she wasnā€™t get a mouth full and shaving down the little grass she has. Depending on the height of the grass is what seems to be how much they can actually get thru the 2 inch hole. She sent a pic of the 1 1/2 hole and she can make that size, ut it seemed vastly different than the 2 inch. Maybe in the spring with richer grass I may need to order the 1 1/2 size. Good luck with the weight loss journey

Damn this was my worry lol and why I havenā€™t used it yet. This is my old muzzle! Altered based on an old Greenguard youtube video that is no longer up. This arrangement worked great so maybe I will just remove the biothane and screws from this one and put it on the new one.

I have used a heavy duty plastic dustpan, cut it into strips, drilled holes and secured them with zip ties with success too. I may have to replace a zip tie but it holds up well. The insert just makes it so thick.

I like your idea and I have a bunch of chicago screws. What is the black piece made of?

Good to know there is yet a smaller option available! Iā€™m impressed that there are zero rubs on her muzzle and that she has not gotten it off while turned out.

My plan is to tape my girl on the weekend days to get an average of what is (hopefully) weekly weight loss. I have an email into my vet asking what is target final weight Iā€™m shooting for and what percentage of weight loss should I shoot for monthly to safely reach that goal. I didnā€™t hear back from the practice this week.

It is a strip of biothane! I got it from a harness shop (they also fastened it on for me lol).

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Taping is not the most precise weight measurement, but it gives us a good estimate and we can make a weight loss goal with that number. I donā€™t think a weekly check will show much of anything. Yep, we are anxious for them to lose, but it takes time . You cannot drastically cut their intake as that is unhealthy and creates more problems. Slow and steady.

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