Grey Arab Gelding Lost in Pozo, CA

This is a long shot because it’s been 12 days since he disappeared but my aunt was out riding on the trails 8 miles from Pozo. She and her friend had their horses tied when they spooked and ran off. They didn’t expect them to run far, but they disappeared. Her friend’s horse was found the next day, but her horse is still missing.

They’ve had lots of people out looking, including helicopters who were there to fight a fire in the area last week, but nothing so far. We’re assuming he’s no longer alive, but any information (even if he’s dead) would be appreciated.



“Today, we did locate Norton. Unfortunately, he was deceased. He was found off the trail in extremely dense brush. His tack was in place and did not appear to have been hung up in the brush. Rather, is appeared that Norton may have lunged forward through the brush and fell forward into the rocks in the bottom of the ravine. He did not appear to have struggled once he was down so it is believed that he died quickly. We can be thankful that he did not suffer.”